iBlogGospel brings you Christian dream interpretations according to the holy Bible, prayer points, midnight prayers, devotions and Bible teachings.
Discover the meaning of your dreams, its symbolism, and interpretation. Learn how to decode the messages in your dreams and gain insight into your subconscious mind with What Dream Means.
promoting what he feels is important. Such writings cannot be relevant to all people at all times under all circumstances. Added to this is the confusion and inaccuracy that has grown from translations of translations together with a wide variety of interpretations and presentations, many of which...
The Hellenistic period witnesses the expansion of ancient science encompassing many diverse schools of thought. Similarly, multiple interpretations of biblical texts thrived, promoting the simultaneous continuation of diverse interpretive traditions. This work aims to show that the popularity of the image ...
A considerable amount of Jesus’ earthly ministry was in opposition with those who had interpretations of the Bible that made null the Word of God null. These men were disciples in a tradition and they were making disciples in that tradition. Jesus chose disciples like Peter and Paul to carry...
But delusion soon sprang up, and men, given to mental introversion, mistook the dreams of their own distempered imagination for realities. Sudden impressions were cherished as the illapse of the Spirit, and pictures of morbid fancy were hailed as exhibiting the odors, hues, and riches of a ...
We cannot wonder that there should have been very varying interpretations given of words that allowed so wide a field for conjecture. Some of these are, for various reasons, worth noticing. (1) The feeling of some early writers that the coming of the wise men was the fulfillment of the ...
3. Hermeneutics (the science of interpretations, coming from Hermes/Mercury (the god of communications or the interpreting god). Hermeneutics have rules that must be followed. The three parts of hermeneutics are as follows. a. Grammatical - words and the levels of words in a verse - syntax ...
Early Interpretations of the Story of Hannah, Revisions of the Night: Politics and Promises in the Patriarchal Dreams of Genesis, on the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays, 1957鈥 1998, Volume 1, Chronicles and Exodus: An Analogy and its Application, Worship and the Hebrew Bible, Go...
The different heavenly accounts found in the bookstore will give you many choices for believing in the heaven of your own dreams. Why do Christians even need special revelation about something they could not possibly understand with their feeble earthly minds? Paul made that pretty clear b...