2.Also calledHebrew Scriptures.the collection of sacred writings of the Jewish religion: known to Christians as the Old Testament. 3.(often l.c.) the sacred writings of any religion. 4.(l.c.) a reference publication esteemed for its usefulness and authority:a bird-watchers' bible. ...
Define Biblical exegetes. Biblical exegetes synonyms, Biblical exegetes pronunciation, Biblical exegetes translation, English dictionary definition of Biblical exegetes. n. pl. ex·e·ge·ses Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text. ex′e
For a proper understanding of the etymology of Hebrew words, the knowledge of the cognate languages is requisite; but here it must be kept in mind that many derivatives have a meaning quite different from the signification of their respective radicals, so that an argument based on etymology ...
We have space for the discussion of a few points only ofthis extensive theme, and we here treat especially those points not particularly discussed under other heads. SEE REDEEMER. I. Official Import of the Name.— The Hebrew word מָשַׁיחִ, Mashi'ach, is in every ...
In apparent contradiction to this, the author of the Epistle to the Hebrew enumerates it among the objects which were within the second vail, i.e. in the Holy of Holies. It is true that by θυμιατήριον in this passage may be meant "a censer," in accordance with the ...
The way we feel is not a definition as to who we are. Emotions are safe guards that brings to our attention the word or God. The word we know should set us free. The way we think in our hearts is who we are. Often being bound by the the word of God. Describe as a two edged...
Isaac’s carrying the bundle of wood, the flint, and the knife up Mt. Moriah with his father, Abraham. He doesn’t use the Aramaic wordAbbabecause he doesn’t speak Aramaic. He’s a Hebrew before Hebrews became Jews, who became Jewish exiles. The story comes to us in Hebrew, but wh...
In Hebrew the term for a genealogy or pedigree is סֵפֶר הִיִּחִשׂ, or סֵפֶר תּוֹלדוֹת"the book of the generations ;" and because the oldest histories were usually drawn up on a genealogical basis, the expression ...
The descent of the Aramaeans from a son of Shem is confirmed by their language, which was one of the branches of the Semitic family, and nearly allied to the Hebrew. Many writers, who have copied without acknowledgment the words of Calmet, maintain that the Aramaeans came from Kir, ...
I am Jewish and I have been a believer in Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) for over 30+ years. I have done undergraduate and graduate studies at very conservative Biblical Institutes. I had always believed the "Traditional" view of the lost until I did a major study....