In the 8th century fasting began to be regarded as a meritorious work, and the breach of the observance at the stated times subjected the offender to excommunication. In later times some persons who ate flesh during Lent were punished with the loss of their teeth (Baronius, Annal. ad an....
But there are very few Moslems who do not keep the Ramadan the Mohammedan Lent — even if they neglect their other religious duties; at all events, they all pretend to keep it, most strictly, fasting being considered "one fourth part of the faith." nay," the gate of religion." (5...
First, he turned to God and asked for guidance. Second, he called for the people to begin fasting and seeking God. Last, he led the people assembled at the Temple in Jerusalem in this amazing prayer of faith. “O LORD God of our ancestors, you alone are the God who is in heaven…....
Children to be corrected with discretion, by fasting or whipping" ("Sanctorum Patrum Regulse Monasticoe," in Fosbrooke's British Monachisnm page 109). By the strict law of the Church, called the law of cloister or enclosure, it is forbidden to all except members of the order to enter ...
Neither was Ash-Wednesday anciently the first day of Lent, till Gregory the Great first added it to Lent to make the number of fastingdays completely forty, which before were but thirty-six. Nor does it appear that anciently the time of imposing penance was confined to the beginning of ...
Apost.). The period of Lent was particularly fruitful in alms. During the last week Chrysostom enjoins a more liberal distribution than usual of alms to the poor, and the exercise of all kinds of charity. The reason he assigns is, the nearer men approach to the passion and resurrection ...
At Whitsuntide, and all festivals of the martyrs, he officiates in red; at Easter, and all festivals of virgins, in white; in Lent, Advent, and eves of fasting-days, in violet; and on Easter-eve, and at all masses for the dead, in black. All these colors are said to be typical...
Besides the points of difference alleged by Photius, the letter of Cerularius reproached the Latins for the use of unleavened bread in the Eucharist, for fasting on Saturday, and for not singing Hallelujah during Lent. Cardinal Humbert gave a. Latin translation of the letter to pope Leo IX. ...
They also keep up public nightly prayers, which are attended by women as well as by men; have a peculiar commemoration of the dead in the three weeks preceding Lent, and their whole office during Lent is of immense length and peculiar to themselves. Indeed their ritual and liturgy differ ...
There are also nuns of the same order; they wear a black veil, and observe the same fastings and abstinence as the monks; but they do not submit to claustration, and make no vows, being thus at liberty to leave-the monastic state when so inclined. The cathedral churches are adorned ...