If Evangelicals want to obey God’s law above man’s law, a careful study of scripture will reveal that their vehement opposition to the foreigners living among them is in violation of God’s commands. Below are seven inconvenient Biblical facts that remind us of God’s view of the “fore...
One or two additional facts may aid in conveying a full idea of this great and magnificent city. When Cyrus took Babylon by turning the Euphrates into a neighboring lake, the dwellers in the middle of the place were not for some time aware that their fellow-townsmen who were near the ...
Wake up people and realize this is a false reality. Use logic and thought to analyze the reality we live. Soon you to will understand that this is only being played out to WAKE UP THOSE SHEEP who follow tyranny. I am a woman of faith and believe what my Lord and Savior Yahusha has ...
Facts are facts, and the facts are that the ICBI view on inerrancy is in accord with the view of the great Fathers and teachers of the Christian Church down through the centuries and as manifest in the framers of the ETS and ICBI. And Licona’s view does not accord with this position...
On my last entry, I recorded a few facts of her stroke from June 13. Well, yesterday July 3, we brought her back to her home. The weeks of rehab worked wonders. She is not out of the woods yet, so to speak. It was discovered her blood platelets were close to 900,000. To compa...
About the Author Sandra Merville Hart, award-winning and Amazon bestselling author of inspirational historical romances, loves to discover little-known yet fascinating facts from American history to include in her stories. Her desire is to transport her readers back in time. She is also a blogger...
Jesus presented Himself as both sheep and shepherd, the good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep. …Jesus died on the cross at the ninth hour (about three o’clock in the afternoon) when the Passover lamb would be sacrificed in the temple. Christ, the Paschal Lamb, was slain...
We have reached the point where we can state in brief several laws, as they may be called, of polytheism, which might be illustrated by an infinite number of facts, but will, we trust, commend themselves to our readers, after what has been said, without much explanation. ...
The second statement might at first be considered “true” if picturing a man before he is willing to come to repentance and would seem to show the possibility of a man squarely facing sad facts about himself but yet unwilling to do the right thing about his sin (cf. Luke 15:17; 2 ...
” Then he continues, “This doctrine has been ignored by many; but ‘what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?’ (Romans 3:3.) It is not what men believe or do not believe that is to settle the great facts of truth, but it is ...