Of course, we will have the naysayers who point to men like Samson who took Nazarite vows (Numbers 6:1-21) which forbid them from cutting their hair or other examples of women shaving their heads when in mourning for the death of loved ones. These situations are exceptions to God’s com...
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.“ I Peter 3:7 (KJV) 7. Slave owners don’t have to give their property the ...
Biblical Examples of Obedience The Lord commanded Abraham to leave his country and go to a land that was foreign to him (Hebrews 11:8). Abraham did so, thus putting his faith into action. Abraham "staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glor...
However, when hundreds and thousands of examples of the same kind of misspellings are found all over the Greek world, then we have found items that sound alike to Koiné Greek speakers. Phonemic Vowels in Koiné Greek There are seven phonemic vowel sounds in Koiné Greek. The following four ...
but on what the Bible says. God deals with us on a basis of grace when we accept him as our savior, and this basis extends itself to the tribulation. We should celebrate the saving grace of Christ. Let the joy that fills your soul at the mention of His return show in your life. ...
is always meaningful, though the meaning depends on its social context: it may express the humility of a Hasmonean solider praying before battle, free the Platonist philosopher to attain union with the divine mind, or manifest the grace whereby Christians already live the angelic life of heaven...
Here is one of those examples. It is full of Christianese like being created by God and giving in to God’s design, but never gives evidence that what it advocates for is actually God’s design: “A real woman is a woman who recognizes that she has been exquisitely and perfectly create...
gives 13 Scriptural examples of how God continues to give subjective (not inspired) revelation, including the law written on the heart, faith, assurance, conviction, and illumination and explains the different ongoing roles of Scripture, circumstances/providence, and the Spirit's presence and speaking...
gives 13 Scriptural examples of how God continues to give subjective (not inspired) revelation, including the law written on the heart, faith, assurance, conviction, and illumination and explains the different ongoing roles of Scripture, circumstances/providence, and the Spirit's presence and speaking...
Some critics of wife-spanking complain that we must have a specific instance of a woman being physically disciplined by her husband in the Bible to justify a husband spanking his wife. But we do not need specific examples of behaviors to justify behaviors. As long as a behavior does ...