Carvalho provides all sides of the argument; she cites Rosaria Butterfield and Robert Gagnon as examples of those who hold that using a preferred pronoun that does not match biological sex is sin—“bearing false witness and an affront to the Creation mandate.” A bit further over on the spec...
David told GOD that because of Saul’s strength, David would look to GOD for his help and protection. And he was confident that GOD would, out of His goodness, take care of him. Because of his strength I will watch for You, For God is my stronghold. My God in His lovingkindness wi...
While His love remains constant as His infinite and eternal condition and motivation, the expression of that love will not in hell be pleasant at all! In Romans 11:22 Paul wrote, “Behold then the goodness and severity of God: toward them that fell, severity; but toward thee, God’s...
Goodness When we look at the world around us, we oftentimes may not see a lot of goodness. But it is there. Acts of goodness are practiced all around us, every day. When we look at goodness from the perspective of Gods Word, we are often challenged to take this concept to a...
This general love is seen in His providence, His common grace and the free offer of the gospel. God's particular love is evidenced in His relationship with the nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the Church in the New Testament. Other examples of this particular love are God's ...
During the debate, Adam said, “We should let God define good”. And I heartily agree. When we let scripture speak for itself, goodness is clearly an absence of evil/harm/death. God uses the Hebrew word for good (tob, H2896)to describe Himself at least 27 times in the old testament...
Men are now under more unfavorable circumstances than Adam was, because of the many examples of sin, which increase the probabilities of actually falling into sin.. Some avoid sin altogether, and obtain eternal blessedness as a reward; others sin, but there is no difficulty in obtaining ...
(Examples might include a white man declaring Mexicans are horrible because one “took his job” or declaring blacks evil because he was once robbed by one.) Please don’t feed this concept or give it any validity. Arabs and Muslims as a whole are not responsible for 9/11. Japanese ...
Interestingly,many of the same Christianswho strongly oppose the cultural acceptance of homosexualityare also opposedto illegal immigration. Why? Well, of course, because America is a nation of “laws” and everyone must obey the laws of the land. ...
Mr Armchair: When a pentecostal cites examples of people speaking in tongues how do you address that? Mr Baptist: Well the first thing I point out is that narrative isn’t normative, and that we shouldn’t cite descriptive stories as a command of what we are supposed to do and how we ...