So also for us, if indeed we forgive as Christ, there are times when we should grant forgiveness of sins done against us if we recognize they are so blinded by their sinfulness to what they are doing as to be devoid of conscience. The examples of Jesus on the cross and Stephen and ...
David told GOD that because of Saul’s strength, David would look to GOD for his help and protection. And he was confident that GOD would, out of His goodness, take care of him. Because of his strength I will watch for You, For God is my stronghold. My God in His lovingkindness wi...
62). Thayer provides examples in Scripture such as restoration to health, sight, dominion, of a disturbed order of affairs, and of a person’s being restored to his friends. The concept of restoration if not foreign to the New Testament. Now, in his article, the writer says, “Movements ...
But, passing by these, we find a class of Mystics in the Intuitionists on both sides of the Atlantic, who substitute the subjective revelation of consciousness for the objective revelation of the written Word. As examples of practical mysticism we must here refer also to the history of the ...
Men are now under more unfavorable circumstances than Adam was, because of the many examples of sin, which increase the probabilities of actually falling into sin.. Some avoid sin altogether, and obtain eternal blessedness as a reward; others sin, but there is no difficulty in obtaining ...
Mr Armchair: When a pentecostal cites examples of people speaking in tongues how do you address that? Mr Baptist: Well the first thing I point out is that narrative isn’t normative, and that we shouldn’t cite descriptive stories as a command of what we are supposed to do and how we ...
During the debate, Adam said, “We should let God define good”. And I heartily agree. When we let scripture speak for itself, goodness is clearly an absence of evil/harm/death. God uses the Hebrew word for good (tob, H2896)to describe Himself at least 27 times in the old testament...
pex #ex yic]x x'r.coc]x rce 'x qox h'QUx English To search To lay waste Sword Ruins To tremble Anger Fierce To destroy Destroy To insult Disgrace To plow Craftsman To plan To hold back Darkness Breastpiece To seal To frighten Guard Ring Pure To be pure Good Goodness Good Row Dew...
A Biblical Study of the Theological Foundation of “Christian Hedonism” by Craig W. Booth Introduction “Why am I here?”Sometimes the question is phrased a bit differently by different people, “Why was I born?”, and sometimes, “What is the chief end of man?”Or, perhaps, “What is...
These two examples of miracles have a common denominator they both exploit social views of uncertainty. The first miracle exploits the views of uncertainty surrounding wine fermentation the second exploits the uncertainty of fear associated with disease and death. Two situations that, although are ...