Of course, we will have the naysayers who point to men like Samson who took Nazarite vows (Numbers 6:1-21) which forbid them from cutting their hair or other examples of women shaving their heads when in mourning for the death of loved ones. These situations are exceptions to God’s com...
And fear is a sin. We need to face that. Let’s stay on target with God’s voice. It’s always a voice of peace and wisdom. Now, let’s be honest. We can’t stop our ears from occasionally hearing the loud noises of evil in our world. But we CAN choose whether or not we w...
and by doing so they are not preparing others nor themselves for the tribulation. In II thess 2 chap Paul tells us that the rapture or the coming of Christ can’t come until two things happen. A fallen away and the man of sin- antichrist be revealed. The he that is taken away is ...
Guilt, Prevalence, and Consequences of Sin. 4. SALVATION: § 1. The Source and Grounds of Salvation, viz.: The Love of God in Christ, and Redemption through Christ; § 2. Conditions of Salvation; § 3. The Fruits and Extent of Salvation. 5. THE MEANS OF GRACE: ...
Every violation of His pure nature – His righteousness – will have consequences. He says in Galatians 6:7 –“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” GOD WILL repay those who have wronged us, but He will do it in His perfect wis...
Whenever we take a prescribed drug we assume that it is going to be beneficial or, if this were not the case, the consequences to the prescriber would be so detrimental that the risk of malicious activity would be fairly small. Occassionally, drugs are released without all the necessary ...
knowledge, did not choose the fear of the Lord, they would not accept My counsel, they spurned all My reproof, so they will eat of the fruit of their own way and be satisfied with their own devices." Again being abandoned by God, turned over to the inevitable consequences of sinful ...
5. God’s multiplication of Eve’s pain in childbirth: In Genesis 3:16, as part of the consequences of the Fall, God specifically addresses Eve and says, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain, you shall bring forth children.” This statement implies that Eve had pr...
I would assume yes. There is a powerful taboo in place right now against questioning human equality, particularly in the west. The consequences of the actions of communist and fascist rulers in the 20thcentury have left a strong distaste in everyone since, and for good cause. Taboo’s can ...
of corruption but because of the curse of sin “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God ...