Nowhere does the Bible condemn by explicit command or even by general principle a man using force to make his… Read More September 2, 2021 Does God Allow Women to Make Their Own Decisions? “It seems to me that people who believe in Biblical Patriarchy as you do think that women are in...
You may have found this blog because you have a “narcissist” in your life, or in the life of someone you care about. At first, you may not have known that you were dealing with a narcissist, but the pain and damage this selfish, arrogant, condescending, domineering person caused might...
“And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with ...
But this massive concept of the wrath of abandonment I'm convinced is now at work in our society. We'd like to talk about the fact that America was founded on Christian principles and God was at the center of it, and all of that, whatever it might have been in our founding, it's ...
62). Thayer provides examples in Scripture such as restoration to health, sight, dominion, of a disturbed order of affairs, and of a person’s being restored to his friends. The concept of restoration if not foreign to the New Testament. Now, in his article, the writer says, “Movements...
The Golden Rule has inspired several subsequent sayings and ethical declarations since its revelation by Jesus. Listed below are some examples of such inspirations: “Put yourself in their shoes” - Another call to empathy and understanding another’s situation and point of view, this phrase calls...
The Moslem therefore resorted, in the first place, to oral tradition, and by the aid of reported expressions of the Prophet, and examples in his public and private life (Hadith and Sunnah), supplemented the deficiencies and elucidated the obscure passages of the Koran (q.v.). When this ...
Besides its being a departure from the first political institute, and so far an infringement on the rights of the divine head of the theocracy, it was regarded by the regent as a virtual charge against himself, and might appear to him as one of those examples of popular fickleness and ...
The Bible is wrought with examples of God moving in the midst of praying people. Throughout history, we have seen the power of the Almighty at work, when people pray. And we have an opportunity to add to that list! Let us together, in unity, cry out to our God for His will to be...
Examples are adduced to show that in heavenly language are praised the divine attributes—majesty, sovereignty, wisdom, justice, holiness, mercy, grace—that the living God, subsisting in three persons, is worshipped—that fallen man’s natural state and character are exhibited in a manner fitted...