Four Biblical Ways a Christian Wife Can Cope with a Cheating Husband The world and sadly many churches today tell women to leave their cheating husbands. But is this what the Bible… Read More March 18, 2022 The Bible Never Calls Women “Daughters of the King” This “daughter of the king...
I will curse those who curse you.Genesis 12:3(April 27, 2020 / MEMRI) In the dystopian world of the new Egyptian science fiction series “The End,” in the year 2120, the United States has collapsed into civil war, the Arab countries have destroyed their “sworn... ...
Some of the most beautiful passages in all of the Bible. Jesus, second person of the triune Godhead became one of us. God became flesh and dwelled (tabernacled) among us. That is something to meditate on and to grasp. Jesus, even before the foundation of the world already knew that He...
Having just celebrated Christmas Day, we look to the end of our past year and the beginning of a new year. This morning , as we reflect upon this new year, I would to share with you once again a message entitled A New Year. It is my hope that this year’s resolutions
This is the cycle of history and it is this very cycle of history that Paul describes in Romans chapter 1. Here in Romans chapter 1, beginning in chapter 18 running to the end of the chapter, you have the most clear presentation of God abandoning a nation, what that looks like, what ...
The Marvel movies (if they are not already) will be the defining saga of this generation, in the same way that the original Star Wars movies (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi) were the defining stories of the end of the 20th century. Having said all of ...
Tedd St. Rain, author, lecturer, and videographer, he has traveled the world extensively investigating the world’s ancient mysteries and enigmas, actively researching the mysterious, the metaphysical and the mythical. Born in Long Beach, California, Tedd is the owner of Lost Arts Media that pub...
Parent Understanding If you went to college, you remember the rush of exam week - and the mental and physical exhaustion at the end of it! Especially at Christmas and the end of the spring semester, your student will be arriving after a really tough week or two. We try to keep that ...
Therefore, Conditional Immortality correctly affirms the biblical position that the souls of the lost people will all be destroyed at the end of the age. (Revelation 20:15) This is what the Scripture calls the "second death."The first death is temporary. In the first death, only the body...
Around the end of the third century BCE, restoration work was carried out on the Temple Mount by the High Priest Simon, son of Onias. According to the apocryphal work of Ben Sira called Ecclesiasticus (50.1–3), the work is described as follows: ...