Amazing Bible signs of the end times for 2024, showing that we are living in the last days and the prophesied end of the world is near.
When 390 years of sin accumulates,then there will be 390 days of Punishment/Siege. A day of punishment is coming for each year of sin. [Ez. 4] An abundance of signs indicate the destruction is coming very soon! Watch The Author's Compelling Videos About End-times...
It might well have been transmitted among the mediaeval traditions of signs, days, and portents. Nostradamus was buried in the church of the Franciscans at Salon, and a mural tablet was erected by his widow to his memory. 2. Works.— The Ten Centuries of the Prophecies of Nostradamus were...
Events of the past few weeks - unrest in Tunisa/Egypt/Jordan, skyrocketing food prices, Dow cracking a 2-year high, dropping dollar with rising bond yields - make me even more confident in the conclusions of my recent report on How This Will All End (published January 12) in which I d...
You see, most people – those who marry and those who do not – make their decisions based on the information they already have about their partners. If women, for example, see signs that their partners are abusive, they will be less likely to marry these abusive men. But if they see ...
We are living in the end times—a time in which the events recorded in the book of Revelation are about to unfold. How do we know that? The biblical signs of this truth are all around us! We must all be able to recognize them. Gone are the days when the
Now all these signs of spiritual gifts are forthcoming from my side without any difficulty, and they agree, too, with the rules, and the dispensations, and the instructions of the Creator; therefore without doubt the Christ, and the Spirit, and the apostle, belong severally to my God. ...
d. He is divinely accredited: "Jesus of Nazareth," says the apostle Peter, was "a man approved of God among you by miracles, and wonders, and signs which God did by him in the midst of you" (Ac 2:22). "The Father who hath sent me," says Jesus himself, "hath borne witness ...
earth, there will nothing left that will be able to stop the Antichrist from rising to full power. The rest of the world is going to be easily duped into believing in this man – especially with all of the false signs and wonders that will be performed on his behalf by the False ...
Although we remain earthbound, the signs of the approaching Tribulation period continue to reach new heights in both frequency and intensity. We live in the season of Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory; He could come for us at any moment. ...