people arrogantly sought to construct a sky-high "Tower of Babel" to try to reachHeaven. Then, in the 1900s, archaeologists discovered the great ziggurat of ancient Ur, located in present-day southern Iraq, having characteristics similar to the biblical description of the Tower of Babel.[12]...
”Sovereignty”and”sovereign”are words not found in either the KJV nor the NKJV Bible (except for“sovereignty”mentioned once in the NKJV but not in relation to God).”Sovereignty”is however found in the NIV in a couple of cases where it does not refer to God (Dan 5:18, Dan 7:27...
Seems they have to find some more human description of Jesus from a four year old higher authority. You have to be a really brave man to dare to tell one of those women that this kid really did not go to heaven. You take your life in your hands. There were also several othe...