What a beautiful description! Revelation 21 goes on to say that in heaven there will be no more sun or moon. The glory of God and the light of the Lamb will be its illumination. “The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated ...
every variety of shape, were principally gathered round the ancient Kaaba — the Pantheon of Arabian idolatry; and their worship was accompanied, not only with the most horrid rites and shocking ceremonies of a degraded paganism, but even with human sacrifices and cruelties of every description. ...
This, again, is the Jewish "Chibbut hak-keber," the Beating of the Grave, a hyperbolical description of the sufferings during the intermediate state after death. The soul, awaiting the general resurrection, enters according to its rank, either immediately into paradise (prophets), or partakes...
I want you to consider this definition or description of fear from Kay Tye, a neuroscientist. This answer was published inScientific Americanlast summer as part of an article interviewing various scientists about fear. Dr. Tye said, Fear is an intensely negative internal state. It conducts orches...
people arrogantly sought to construct a sky-high "Tower of Babel" to try to reachHeaven. Then, in the 1900s, archaeologists discovered the great ziggurat of ancient Ur, located in present-day southern Iraq, having characteristics similar to the biblical description of the Tower of Babel.[12]...
Seems they have to find some more human description of Jesus from a four year old higher authority. You have to be a really brave man to dare to tell one of those women that this kid really did not go to heaven. You take your life in your hands. There were also several othe...
Suffice to say that when there is a physical description of some kind, it is consistent with what we’ve seen so far – humanoid, but often impressive, powerful, or even terrifying (in action, if not appearance). Here are a few relevant quotes from mostly unrelated events and passages. ...
2. True/False—According to the Scriptures, there is a definite, identifiable description of the early (original) church established by Jesus Christ including its terms of entry, its nature, its purpose, its authorized worship, and its authorized work. Answer: True 3. True/False—Since the ch...
You see in verse 24 the first word "therefore," this means we're now going to see a description that connects to what has been said. If you go back to verse 18, "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men," and we could stop at ...
— Not to confound the practices which obtained in the course of time, and which were called forth by the ever-shifting circumstances of the Jewish nation, we shall divide the description of the manner in which this festival was and still is celebrated into three sections. 1. The Pentat...