In a world that is riddled with sickness and disease, the description of the tree of life in Revelation 22 is a beautiful reminder that there will be no more suffering or pain in heaven. The fruit of the tree, which will line the center of heaven’s golden street, will be continuously...
The description of God as creator of heaven and earth appears frequently in the OT and in literature from the Second Temple Period and is central to prayer and worship, to anti-idol polemics and to interaction with non-Israelites. The use of heaven-and-earth language in Matt 11:25-27||...
But since we can have no distinct conception of those joys which never have been and never will be experienced by us here in their full extent, we have, of course, no words in human language to express them, and cannot therefore expect any clear description of them even in the holy ...
Course Description When we read the Bible, we tend to focus on the story and we overlook where it all took place. However, the places themselves; their names, their climates, their distinct features, add an extra layer of meaning to the stories we thought we knew. Dr Jonathan Lipnick, ...
I want you to consider this definition or description of fear from Kay Tye, a neuroscientist. This answer was published inScientific Americanlast summer as part of an article interviewing various scientists about fear. Dr. Tye said, Fear is an intensely negative internal state. It conducts orches...
one able to communicate with spirits of the dead. Nowhere is she further described, neither as being young nor old, yet later writers invariably refer to her as a "hag" and as living in a "hovel," although the Bible gives no description of her dwelling. She is so depicted in the illu...
How the internal arrangements were affected by this adaptation of the nave to external requirements we have seen under the head CATHEDRAL, to which also we refer for the general description of the conventual church. Southward of the church, and parallel with the south transept was carried the ...
This description of Orion's loins figuratively resembles the portrait of the king's glory in Ezek. 1:26-28. Lucifer as the angel of light in his first estate, had dominion over the angels in the dawn of time. Once Lucifer fell, his role as the "light of heaven" was stripped from ...
Philo of Alexandria, the first century Jewish sage, philosopher, and exegete, perhaps known most famously in Christian circles as the great allegorizer of Israel’s scripture whose methods were taken up by the Alexandrian fathers of the church, has an important description of the ethics of the...
If it were the latter, the description given us by Xenophon of his vain, capricious, and fickle disposition perfectly accords with the idea suggested respecting him by the narrative in Daniel 6. Whether we suppose Cyrus himself to have been king of Persia at the period of the conquest of ...