And, as one writer put it, the heavenly Jerusalem will be “a place of unimagined blessing.” Those registered in heaven, having been made perfect by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, will assemble with an innumerable company of angels before their most holy God. To try and picture the ...
It may also be noticed that the glorious appearance ascribed to the angels in Scripture (as in Da 10:6) is the same as that which shone out in our Lord's Transfiguration, and in which John saw Him clothed in heaven (Revelations 1:14-16); and moreover, that whenever angels have been...
particularly around Elijah the prophet. Suffice to say that when there is a physical description of some kind, it is consistent with what we’ve seen so far – humanoid, but often impressive, powerful, or even terrifying (in action, if not appearance). Here are a few relevant quotes from ...
Philo of Alexandria, the first century Jewish sage, philosopher, and exegete, perhaps known most famously in Christian circles as the great allegorizer of Israel’s scripture whose methods were taken up by the Alexandrian fathers of the church, has an important description of the ethics of the...
When it is stated that this department of Biblical exegesis is interspersed with homiletics, the beautiful maxims and ethical sayings of illustrious men, attractive mystical expositions about angels and demons, paradise and hell, Messiah and the Prince of Darkness; poetical allegories, symbolical ...
In 2 Timothy 3 there is a description of the difficult times for Christians in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-5NLT You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and pro...
Lament - to be outwardly sorrowful, can be written or sung (Psalm 17 shows the format of a lament psalm – the address (verse 1), the description (verses 2-12 where verses 2-5 are the "I" part, verse 7 is the "Thou" part, and verses 8-12 are the "enemies" part), the ...
Then, in the 1900s, archaeologists discovered the great ziggurat of ancient Ur, located in present-day southern Iraq, having characteristics similar to the biblical description of the Tower of Babel.[12] Hometown of Goliath 1 Samuel 17 of the Bible discusses the giant Goliath from a ...
This description of Orion's loins figuratively resembles the portrait of the king's glory in Ezek. 1:26-28. Lucifer as the angel of light in his first estate, had dominion over the angels in the dawn of time. Once Lucifer fell, his role as the "light of heaven" was stripped from ...
Colossians presents Paul as the one who cares for the readers enough to suffer for them and as the faithful proclaimer of the true gospel to which the readers must adhere to receive and retain their salvation. This description of Paul intends to convince the readers to listen to Paul’s ...