Wait on the Lord (Ps 27:14) Monday, October 28, 2024 Let’s have a little fun in the LXX. I have been especially interested lately in what it means to “wait on the Lord.” It seems to me that waiting is not passive; it is not going into neutral. It is a very active experien...
Christian Quotes on Fornication Fornication Definition A concise definition of fornication is "sexual intercourse between people not married to each other," including pre-marital and adulterous relations. Cambridge Dictionary defines fornication as "the action of having sex with someone who you are not ...
⇒Definition of ministryThe call, as above defined, to preach the Gospel to the best of our ability and opportunity, is one that every Christian should recognise and obey. It is, however, a duty entirely distinct from, although in some cases closely related to, the general question of ...
I couldn’t find the word “Begängnissen” in my German-English dictionary, my Langenscheidt’s DaF dictionary, on https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de, and the definition of “celebrations” from linguee.de didn’t quite seem right. So, I searched for it in my Logos library. Sure enough, TH...
Now, in order to be as generous as possible, I am going to give you the definition of “conversion therapy” provided by GLAAD, the organization founded in 1985 as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Their definition is, “Conversion therapy is any attempt to change a person’s...
We see from the above passages, that Messiah did not sin, and He was without sin. From the apostle John’s definition of sin, we know that Messiah did not transgress [disobey] the Torah. Conclusion We now know that while Messiah was alive, every moment, every day, even up to the mo...
⇒Definition of church2. It is also used to denote the community of true believers, whether known to be such or not. 3. It is used as "church militant" and "church triumphant" to distinguish between believers yet on earth, and still contending with opposition, and believers already ...
Negligent Homicide definition: It is characterized as a death caused by conduct that grossly deviated from ordinary Honor Suicide example: Captain going down with empty ship is honor suicide- not required by naval code; therefore, voluntarily dying from water filling ship or filling lungs is honor...
What is YOUR definition of ART? Essay one: On Realistic Art: THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME... ( A Brief essay dealing with attitudes toward Realistic Art and prior developments in technology in history)David working in Oil painting Pandora's Box- See Art Instruction...
⇒Definition of messiah 1. First or Patriarchal Period. (1.) In the primeval promise (Ge 3:15) lies the germ of a universal blessing. The tempter came to the woman in the guise of a serpent, and the curse thus pronounced has a reference both to the serpent which was the instrument...