The Definition of Prosperity Before I delved into what the Bible had to say about it, the first thing I decided to do is to look up the definition of prosperity. So I looked up the Webster’s definition along with several versions found in Greek and Hebrew. Here are some of the charact...
By referring, however, to the Catechism of the Council of Trent, drawn up by order of the fathers there assembled, we get a clearer and more explicit definition: "There is a purgatorial fire, where the souls of the righteous are purified by a temporary punishment [ad definitum termpus ...
⇒Definition ofquail ⇒See also the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
Definition of Anarcho-Theocracy Prima facie Case for Anarcho-Theocracy Response to Objections Bibliography "For the Americans," Tocqueville found, "the ideas of Christianity and liberty are so completely mingled that it is almost impossible to get them to conceive of one without the other; it is ...
Sixth, going back to the matter of definition, when an alien sinner actually repents of stealing prior to his scriptural baptism, since it is not the definition of stealing that changes (and it is not), then it has to be that his relationship to the act changes. He no longer steals!
Surveying the scene of prospering sinners is leading him toward the conclusion that serving God is not worth the effort. Trying to figure out why the wicked are blessed “seemed to me a wearisome task” (v. 16), that is, “until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned ...
it is so long since you have heard the definition. The word itself, if you give it a peculiar pronunciation, will show the meaning — at-one-ment. Man is a sinner and deserves to die. Jesus comes in and bears His punishments and weeps His griefs. I was lost once, but now I am ...
The point is of course that both Calvinist and atheists make the mistake to insist on a certain definition of words which may not even be included in the Bible. They might erroneously assume that everyone sides with their understanding of these words. ...
is precisely what has happened. Those who deny the present validity of the law apart from the Ten Commandments have as a consequence a very limited definition of theft. Their definition usually follows the civil law of their country, is humanistic, and is not radically different from the defin...
The cause of its total decay has been ascribed, not without reason, to the royal attention being withdrawn from it by the distractions of the country. In more recent times its naturalization seems to have been attempted in Egypt; for Prosper Alpinus relates that forty plants were brought by ...