⇒Definition of captivityThe nation thus transported by the monarchs of Assyria and Babylon were treated with no unnecessary harshness, even under the dynasty that captured them. So far were they from the condition of bondsmen (which the word "captive" suggests), that the book of Susanna ...
⇒Definition of bellThe BLESSING OF BELLS in the Romish Church is a most extraordinary piece of superstition. They are said to be consecrated to God, that he may bestow upon them the power, not of striking the ear only, but also of touching the heart. When a bell is to be blessed,...
As far as they go (and there are many things unnoticed by them), they are a legal definition of the doctrines of the Church of England and Ireland; though the members of that communion look to the Prayer-book as well as to the articles for the genuine expression of her faith. The ...