August 13, 2022 Verbal Consent Not Required In Biblical Marriage Nowhere does the Bible condemn by explicit command or even by general principle a man using force to make his… Read More September 2, 2021 Does God Allow Women to Make Their Own Decisions? “It seems to me that people who ...
A concise definition of fornication is "sexual intercourse between people not married to each other," including pre-marital and adulterous relations. CambridgeDictionary defines fornication as "the action of having sex with someone who you are not married to." ...
In childhood most of the parental commands are necessarily of this nature, owing to the incapacity of the child to understand the grounds of their inculcation. ⇒Definition of law II. Certain Special Uses of the Term. — 1. "Law of Honor" is a system of rules constructed by people...
and therefore that what he never was conscious of can no more be a motive to determine his will than it can be an argument to determine his judgment." "This is Aristotle's definition (τὸ ἔνεκαου) of end or final cause; and as a synonyme for end or final cause the ter...
The answer is found in the definition of 'love', and that the fact that Biblical love is NOT a warm, gooey feeling inside, meaning that our feelings can align with true love, but it is not the foundation of it. Based on the above definitions of love, it is obvious that the Lord Go...
Sixth, going back to the matter of definition, when an alien sinner actually repents of stealing prior to his scriptural baptism, since it is not the definition of stealing that changes (and it is not), then it has to be that his relationship to the act changes. He no longer steals!
it is so long since you have heard the definition. The word itself, if you give it a peculiar pronunciation, will show the meaning — at-one-ment. Man is a sinner and deserves to die. Jesus comes in and bears His punishments and weeps His griefs. I was lost once, but now I am ...
The point is of course that both Calvinist and atheists make the mistake to insist on a certain definition of words which may not even be included in the Bible. They might erroneously assume that everyone sides with their understanding of these words. ...
he hath freedom to will is a question neither the bishop nor they ever thought on." Thus it will readily be perceived that Hobbes entirely denies the main point at issue, namely, the freedom of the will itself, and confines the subject — as his definition — purely to liberty of action...
Religion is a thing relegated to the background for the present; in due time he will attend to it as a practical matter, in the same way in which he will attend to the making of his will. ⇒Definition of miracle This thorough realism of the 19th century, intensified by the vast ...