⇒Bible concordance for PARABLES.Ps 78:2. "I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old." ⇒Definition of parable(b) It signifies a fictitious narrative invented for the purpose of conveying truth in a less offensive or more engaging form than that of direct ...
No satisfactory definition of the word "myth" has ever been given, partly because of the manifold varieties of myths, and partly because the word has been used in several distinct senses. In Homer it is equivalent to λόγος (II. 18:253), and Eustathius remarks that in later ...
In the Chronicles of Narnia, I believe that C.S. Lewis wrote an allegory. By definition an allegory typically reveals a hidden meaning behind something, which in this case would be the message behind the characters and their actions within Narnia. This can be supported throughout the series ...
Perhaps it means eternal torment? You certainly have to import an alien meaning to the definition of the word "destroy" (Gk: apollumi) if it means eternal torture. It is never directly translated this way in any New Testament writings. Never....
We see from the above passages, that Messiah did not sin, and He was without sin. From the apostle John’s definition of sin, we know that Messiah did not transgress [disobey] the Torah. Conclusion We now know that while Messiah was alive, every moment, every day, even up to the mo...
A paradox exists in attempting to resolve ecocrisis: awareness of ecological concerns is growing, but the crisis continues to escalate. John Firor, a well-known scientist, suggests that to resolve the paradox and hence ecocrisis, we need an alternative definition of "human beingness"--that is,...
⇒Definition of loan 2. The prohibition was absolute in the case of (the widow's garment (De 24:17), and (b) a millstone of either kind (De 24:6). Michaelis (art. 150, 2:321) supposes also all indispensable animals and utensils of agriculture; see also Mishna, Maautser Sheri....
⇒Definition of perdition1. There is present perdition, or the lost state of the soul until it partakes of a present salvation. The Son of Man came to seek that which was lost (Lu 19:10). The idea here presented is that of a soul which has fallen from its high estate and has ...
The apostle John likewise refers to the convincing power of the "glory" exhibited on that occasion (Joh 1:14). If we divide Christ's public life into three periods the first of miracles, to prove his divine mission; the second of parables, to inculcate virtue; and the third of suffering...