Discussion of and support for this statement requires the definition of crime, criminal, illegal, syndicate, and alien from the Merrium-Webster on-line dictionary. Crime is defined as “an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government; criminal activity; a grave offense… agai...
if there is really such a thing as a law of science, these two principles meet that definition. There is no other scientific law supported more fully and
The, "assembly of the elders," in Ps 107; Ps 32, leaves us in like uncertainty. ⇒Definition of synagogue 3. During the Exile, in the abeyance of the Temple worship, the meetings of devout Jews probably became more systematic (Vitringa, De Synag. p. 413-429; Jost, Judenthum, 1...
Now, in order to be as generous as possible, I am going to give you the definition of “conversion therapy” provided by GLAAD, the organization founded in 1985 as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Their definition is, “Conversion therapy is any attempt to change a person’s ...
The more ancient laws of Rome, which were very severe against the offense of the wife, were silent as to that of the husband (Smith's Dict. of Class. Antiq.). See WIFE. ⇒Definition of adultery3. Spiritual. — Adultery, in the symbolical language of the Old Testament, means idolatry...
Subject: Paul’s Definition of the Gospel Date: Sunday Morning – April 23 , 2000 (The Audio is dated 2/2/2014 ) Tape # V-79a Reading: Romans 1:1-17 Introduction: Should you go to the street corner of any city in this country and ask those who passed by, or stand upon the do...
When looking at the culture’s definition of anything, we have to understand that the world is operating in an entirely different framework than we do as Christians (1 John 5:19). We have our eyes on eternity, them only what is happening right now. As the Pharisees did in Jes...
I understand that many preachers and teachers have taught about this. They say that it’s a term of intimate connection between father and child. It’s true thatAbbawas a word children used for their father, but that’s not the full truth. There’s a missing piece here. ...
is precisely what has happened. Those who deny the present validity of the law apart from the Ten Commandments have as a consequence a very limited definition of theft. Their definition usually follows the civil law of their country, is humanistic, and is not radically different from the defin...
In the absence of any Biblical definition of this much-disputed expression, we must accept the ancient traditional explanation contained in the Mishna, which is as follows: 'When there is betrothal without transgression of the law about forbidden marriages — e.g. if the daughters of priests, ...