⇒Definition of myrrh2. לט or לוֹט, lot (so called, perhaps, from covering, being used as a cosmetic or pomatum; Gesen. Thesaur. page 748; Sept. στακτή, and Vulg. stacte), occurs only in Ge 37:25, "Behold, a company of Ishmaelites came down from ...
⇒Definition of birthRoberts says, "When a person has succeeded in gaining a blessing which he has long desired, he says, 'Good! good! the child is born at last.' Has a person lost his lawsuit in a provincial court, he will go to the capital to make an appeal to a superior ...
⇒Definition of lilythe white lily, it is evidently impossible, from the word itself, to ascertain exactly the kind of lily which is referred to. If the shushan or shoshlannah of the O.T. and the κρίνον of the Sermon on the Mount be identical, which there seems no reason ...
⇒Definition of myrtle⇒See also the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.← Myrrh Mysia →Don't trust your Bible study to a mere web search. Better Bible Study With SwordSearcher Bible Software Discover the power of SwordSearcher: A complete Bible study package, with thousands of ...
⇒Definition of poison3. Ι᾿ός, strictly something emitted, as a missile weapon; hence the venom of a serpent (Jas 3:8; Ro 3:13). SEE SERPENT. 4. Φάρμακον, prop. medicine, hence often a deadly potion. There is a clear case of suicide by poison related in 2...
Accordingly, when Jacob was sending a present of those productions of Canaan which were likely to be acceptable to an Egyptian grandee, "the best fruits of the land," besides balm, and myrrh, and honey, he bade his sons take "nuts and almonds" (Ge 43:11); and the original name of ...
⇒Definition of victualsBread formed "the staff of life" to the ancient Hebrews even more than to ourselves; but the modes of preparing it have been noticed under other heads. SEE BREAD; SEE MILL. On a remarkable occasion a calf, tender and good, was taken slain, dressed (roasted, ...
⇒Definition of foodWhen they reached the promised land, "the land flowing with milk and honey," abundance of all kinds of food awaited the favored people. The rich pasturelands of Palestine enabled. them to rear and maintain large flocks and herds; game of various kinds was abundant in ...
34) have shown that this plant (the Laurus cassia) is not a distinct species, but only a wild or original form of the cinnamomum Ceylonicum or Zeylanicum. See the Penny Cyclopaedia, s.v. Cassia; Laurus. ⇒Definition of cassiaThe name Cassia has been applied by botanists to a genus ...
These names are very similar to words which occur in the Hebrew text of several passages of Scripture, as in the Song of Solomon, 5:1, "I have gathered my myrrh with my spice" (basam); ver. 13, "His cheeks are as a bed of spices" (basam); and in 6:2, "gone down into his...