For me, it started with a childhood amidst alcoholism and violence that built a faulty definition of normal, and led to a lifetime of misconceptions about life in general and my worth in particular. Jesus whispered my name and I fell at His feet in my 20s, but I went on to spend dec...
(1.) The presentative faculty, or the power of recognising the various aspects of the world and of the mind. (2.) The conservative faculty or memory, meaning the power of storing up. ⇒Definition of mind(3.) The reproductive faculty, or the means of recalling sleeping impressions or ...
BiblicalidiomsinEnglish Howtounderstandananalogy Youmakeananalogywhenyoupicturesomethinginyourmindandthencompareittosomethingsimilar.Themeaningofananalogycansometimesbeveryhardtoguess.Youshouldfirstlookattheidiomandcreateapictureinyourmind.Thenlookatthecontexttofindoutthemessage.
By our modern definition of slavery, we cannot comprehend the concept of a person being owned by another person without that owned person not being a slave. On one side of this debate about the Biblical treatment of wives we have Christians who claim that there is absolutely no similarity at...
Define know in the biblical sense. know in the biblical sense synonyms, know in the biblical sense pronunciation, know in the biblical sense translation, English dictionary definition of know in the biblical sense. to understand as true: I know the sun w
A shrew is defined by Cambridge dictionary as a “a woman who is considered to be unpleasant and easily annoyed, and who argues a lot” and this is also the definition of a bitch in modern times. Most Christians today object to men ever calling a woman a bitch. But Christians of the ...
A concise definition of fornication is "sexual intercourse between people not married to each other," including pre-marital and adulterous relations. CambridgeDictionary defines fornication as "the action of having sex with someone who you are not married to." ...
So, let me share with you the biblical context ofAbbato provide that missing piece. As a result, I hope that you’ll better understand—and use—the full meaning of this important prayer word. Our first word of prayer The first word we must learn to speak when we pray is “Father.”...
(tob, H2896)to describe Himself at least 27 times in the old testament. And at least 45 times in the old testament God contrasts good (tob) with evil (ra, H7451). The Hebrew word ra means evil, harm or destruction. The definition of good is the absence of evil, harm, & ...
The Bible gives us the definition of selfishness in Philippians 2:4: “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” The key word in Philippians 2:4 is “also”. A person is not selfish for looking to meet their own needs and desires. A perso...