The fornicator can be deceived into thinking that marriage has solved the problem. He doesn’t see the ongoing nature of the problem. Often he finds it difficult to lead his wife spiritually or to gain her trust fully. The root problem is a sin committed together, driving the couple apart...
Because each of these issues touches on the sacred nature of the [Image of God] and the marriage of our spiritual and physical realities, I argue that to subvert the priority of these concerns to lesser political interests, whether economic, environmental, or even related to the tone and teno...
In other words, Green is defining “good biblical scholar” with only one possible definition of “good.” He doesn’t claim that his description is the only possible definition of “good,” and he clarifies that in the comments. There are other possible ways of defining “good biblical scho...
Paul was an apostle (Rom. 1:1), and Barnabas was an “apostle” by the extended definition of that term (Acts 14:14), and he was one of the prophets or teachers at the church in Antioch (Acts 13:1). At any rate, the first elders were appointed by apostolic authority! Our Baptist...
Caroline charges these wives of angry, violent husbands, of wanting—of all things—to give up on the marriage.“She’s turning to what she thinks is the answer, to escape and get out of the marriage, with justification, is perhaps how she thinks about it.” ...