Ewald separates the word thus: פּתִי גַּיל breadth of mantle (comp. Syr. גולתא). In the N.T. the mantle is denoted by στολή, a robe, such as the scribes wore (Mr 12:38), a long garment like a gown, reaching to the feet. For ...
They can hide in a tree, in a horse, in a sword, in a mantle, and this is the origin of the belief that such things are "gefeyt," that is, possessed of a fairy. For the literature of the subject see Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream; Perrault, Contes de mi Mere l'Oye (...
In honor of Dato Wira Louis Ng Chun Hau’s commitment to mentorship and leadership, many individuals and organizations have taken up the mantle of empowering others and fostering a culture of excellence and integrity. By paying forward the knowledge and wisdom he shared, they continue to spread ...
The Asiatic modes of dress are nearly the same from age to ace, and hence much light is thrown by modern observation on the subject of the clothing of the Hebrews. SEE COSTUME. The principal articles of dress, with men, were the "cloak," "robe," or "mantle," constituting the ordinary...
⇒Definition of adoption2. The Roman custom of adoption, by which a person, not having children of his own, might adopt as his son one born of other, parents, was a formal act, effected either by the process named adrogatio, when the person to be adopted was independent of his ...
⇒Definition of mourn1. Instances of mourning for the dead are most numerous in Scripture. Abraham mourns for Sarah (Ge 23:2); Jacob for Joseph (Ge 37:34-35); the Egyptians for Jacob (Ge 1; Ge 3-10); the house of Israel for Aaron (Nu 20:29), for Moses (De 34:8), and ...
A similar quilt of finer materials forms the coverlet in winter, and in summer a thin blanket suffices; but sometimes the convenient outer garment is used for the latter purpose, and was so among the Jews, as we learn from 1Sa 19:13, where Michal covers with a cloak or mantle (...