⇒Definition of levy2. The father of Matthat and son of Simeon (Maaseiah), of the ancestors of Christ. in the private maternal line between David and Zerubbabel (Lu 3:29). B.C. post 876. Lord Hervey thinks that the name of Levi reappears in his descendant Lebbseus (Geneal. of ...
⇒Definition of miracle This thorough realism of the 19th century, intensified by the vast facilities of combined action and, mutual intercourse, which make us live constantly in one another's company, would banish all care and thought of the future from our minds, if it were not that the...
⇒Definition of minstrelThe word minstrel is used of the αὐλήτας who, in Mt 9:23, are represented as mourning and making a noise on the death of Jairus's daughter. The custom of hiring mourners at the death of friends is seen on Etruscan amphorae, tombs, and bass-...
⇒Definition of mourn1. Instances of mourning for the dead are most numerous in Scripture. Abraham mourns for Sarah (Ge 23:2); Jacob for Joseph (Ge 37:34-35); the Egyptians for Jacob (Ge 1; Ge 3-10); the house of Israel for Aaron (Nu 20:29), for Moses (De 34:8), and ...
⇒Definition of step2. His Official Position.— The first authentic notice we find of him is in Ac 6:5. In the distribution of the common fund that was intrusted to the apostles (Ac 6:15) for the support of the poorer brethren (see Mosheim, De Rebus Christ. ante Const. p. 118,...
735. The close of the next century probably produced the celebrated Durham Book, containing the four Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, written between the lines of an earlier Latin copy, by ALDRED, a priest. The following is the Lord's Prayer from this version — Mt 6:9-13: ⇒Definition of ...