This makes fornication even more dangerous, in this sense, than adultery. Both fornication and adultery are acts of infidelity. But if he is repentant, a man who has committed adultery understands something of how he’s broken trust, and attacked a covenant. He can see that even when his ...
The Bible is predominantly written in the Hebrew and Greek languages. The Biblical word used in the Greek New Testament and Septuagint translation of the Old Testament is the wordethnos.1This word is related to our English wordethnicityand denotes those of a common lineage. This definition is a...
2. Roman. — It seems that the Roman law made the same important distinction with the Hebrew between the infidelity of the husband and of the wife, by defining adultery to be the violation of another man's bed (violatio tori alieni); so that the infidelity of the husband could not ...
Hunt would give the Christian, it is necessary to hear the definition of pantheism Hunt furnishes. Here it is: "It might be better, indeed, to get rid, it it were possible, of the term Pantheism; but we cannot get rid of the thing, — for it emerges in all systems as it has ...
Some of the hurt feelings are so deeply rooted in our hearts that you feel forgiveness is not an option. There is hope when you trust in God. InMathew 19:26“with man this is impossible but with God, it is possible” Jesus assures the disciples to have an open mind for God to send...
Law (author of the Serious Call, etc.), and the very able opponent of bishop Hoadly, degenerated in the latter part of his life into all the singularities of mysticism; and some suppose that his extravagant notions were one means of driving the celebrated Gibbon into a state of infidelity....
Children of the day and children of the night denote good men and wicked men. The disciples of the Son of God are children of the light: they belong to the light, they walk in the light of truth; while the children of the night walk in the darkness of ignorance and infidelity, and ...
1. The husband had a right to expect from his wife connubial chastity, and in case of infidelity could demand her death as well as that of her seducer (Le 20:10; De 22:20-22; Eze 16:40; Joh 8:5). 2. If he became jealous and suspicious of her, even when she had not been...
2. It is evidently opposite to that fundamental principle' of morality that we should do to others as we could reasonably desire they should do to us. ⇒Definition of persecution3. It is by no means calculated to answer the end which its patrons profess to intend by it. ...
In later Jewish literature a technical definition of the word is laid down which is certainly not of universal application. Elias Levita (quoted by Eisenmenger, Entdecktes denthum, 1, 665) explains the sing goy as denoting one who is not of Israelitish birth. This can only have reference ...