I understand that many preachers and teachers have taught about this. They say that it’s a term of intimate connection between father and child. It’s true thatAbbawas a word children used for their father, but that’s not the full truth. There’s a missing piece here. ...
⇒Definition of genealogyThe Bible genealogies give an unbroken descent of the house of David from the creation to the time of Christ. The registers at Jerusalem must have supplied the same to the priestly and many other families. They also inform us of the origin of most of the nations ...
They were Mystics, according to Montesquieu's definition, "Les devots qui out le coeur tendre." The mediaeval mysticism, in its gradual progress from a mere poetical sentiment to a speculative system, and thence to a living, practical power, led men steadily forward towards the Reformation. ...
⇒Definition of atonementmeaning may be gathered from the passages in the O.T. in which it occurs. It is, in fact, the constant rendering of a word translated in the English version "to make reconciliation" or "to atone for" (Le 6:30; Le 8:15; Eze 45:20; Da 9:24, etc.). ...
To "wash the feet in blood" (Ps 58:10) is to gain a victory with much slaughter. To "build a town with blood" (Hab 2:12) is by causing the death of the oppressed laborers as slaves. ⇒Definition of bloodWine is called the blood of the grape; "He washed his garments in wine...
⇒Definition of messiah 1. First or Patriarchal Period. (1.) In the primeval promise (Ge 3:15) lies the germ of a universal blessing. The tempter came to the woman in the guise of a serpent, and the curse thus pronounced has a reference both to the serpent which was the instrument...
The definition of marriage given by Modestinus, the Roman lawyer and scholar of Ulpian, is as follows: "Nuptiae sunt conjunctio maris et feminae et consortium omnis vitse, divini et humani juris communicatio" (Digest, 18:2, 1). In the Institutes of Justinian we have "nuptiae sive ...
⇒Definition of baptist2. Great Britain.— Whether and to what extent Baptist principles were held in Great Britain before the sixteenth century is still a matter of historic controversy. In 1535 Henry VIII ordered sixteen Dutchmen to be put to death for being Anabaptists, and in 1539, 30...