By our modern definition of slavery, we cannot comprehend the concept of a person being owned by another person without that owned person not being a slave. On one side of this debate about the Biblical treatment of wives we have Christians who claim that there is absolutely no similarity at...
For example, “head” in koine Greek never/ very seldom had any inkling of leadership in it. In English it is a major definition, so it is not the perfect way to translate the Greek in “the man is the head of the woman.” To then refer to the text “the man is the head of t...
Fastreading GothroughthepassageasquicklyaspossibleandtrytofindtheanswerstothethreequestionsinpartAonPage50.1.Whatisanidiom?Anidiomisagroupofwordsoranexpressionwhosemeaningoftencannotbeunderstoodbylookingatthemeaningsoftheseparatewordsinit.2.WhichlanguageswastheBiblefirstwrittenin?InHebrewandgreek.3.Whichidiomis...
What is obedience to God. A comprehensive obedience Bible study and Christian teaching on the definition of obedience to God or the evidence of faith is just one of many biblical teachings and Bible studies which can be found at Christ-Centered Mall.
Sin is a riddle, a mystery, a reality that eludes definition and comprehension. Perhaps we most often think of sin as wrongdoing or transgression of God's law. Sin includes a failure to do what is right. But sin also offends people; it is violence and lovelessness toward other people,...
First, the Court cannot alter God’s definition of marriage (“…a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” [Genesis 2:24, ESV]; “…each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband” [1 Corinthians 7:...
Not let me bring this back to our modern definition of adultery versus the Biblical definition adultery. Biblically speaking there is only one way that a man can commit adultery against his wife and it is not him having sex with another woman. The only way a man can commit adultery against...
“aim of life” which is at great conflict with God’s foremost command to “love God and keep His commandments” and to “love your neighbor as yourself”.“There is no other commandment greater than these.”Piper has in every sense and every definition created a new “precept of men”...
Merrium-Webster’s on-line dictionary for the definition of “improper” requires at least two steps to get to a word that describes any relationship to an act subject to fines and imprisonment, an illegal act. The steps are “improper,” the link to “incorrect,” and the link to “...
"I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old." ⇒Definition of parable(b) It signifies a fictitious narrative invented for the purpose of conveying truth in a less offensive or more engaging form than that of direct assertion. Of this sort is the parable by ...