⇒Definition ofalexandrian This MS. is now in the manuscript room of the British Museum, where it was placed on the formation of that library in 1753. It previously belonged to the king's private collection, having been presented to Charles I through Sir Thomas Roe, English ambassador to ...
Before referencing his article, let me give a definition of “restoration.” This is the word used in your New Testament in Acts 3:21. The Greek word is apokathistami, and it means “to restore to its former state;…to be in its former state….” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of...
Subject: Paul’s Definition of the Gospel Date: Sunday Morning – April 23 , 2000 (The Audio is dated 2/2/2014 ) Tape # V-79a Reading: Romans 1:1-17 Introduction: Should you go to the street corner of any city in this country and ask those who passed by, or stand upon the do...
There is a new belief that has spread rapidly teaching that the term “DAY” only… New Booklet – The Omega of Deadly Heresies – The Foundations Removed Click Here for electronic PDF:The Omega of Deadly Heresies This new booklet explores a prophecy given by… New Booklet - The Curse of ...
They were Mystics, according to Montesquieu's definition, "Les devots qui out le coeur tendre." The mediaeval mysticism, in its gradual progress from a mere poetical sentiment to a speculative system, and thence to a living, practical power, led men steadily forward towards the Reformation. ...
But in speaking of “cause,” and “of the cause,” we do not by these words denote nature (for no one would give the same definition of “cause” and of “nature”), but we indicate the difference in manner of existence. For when we say that one is “caused,” and that the oth...
Do we fall short of evangelizing the catholic faithful because they are partaking the same Spirit as we are? My stance is that we shall strive for a continuous openness to a shared experienced in prayer, worship, and longing for God, but with a clear definition and a firm stance on the ...
The answer is found in the definition of 'love', and that the fact that Biblical love is NOT a warm, gooey feeling inside, meaning that our feelings can align with true love, but it is not the foundation of it. Based on the above definitions of love, it is obvious that the Lord Go...
47), "is one among the few who have graced the annals of our race, by standing up as a living definition of what is meant by a man of genius, learning, piety, and energy. All these he possessed in amiable combination. Any subject that was worth mastering he had mastered, and when ...
⇒Definition of anathema 1. The first of these, נִדּוּי, nidau'i, separation, is merely in temporary separation or suspension from ecclesiastical privileges, involving, however, various civil inconveniences, particularly seclusion from society to the distance of four cubits. The...