⇒Definition of christian"The adoption of the name marks a very important epoch in the history of the Church; the period when it had emerged, even in the Gentile observation, from its Jewish environment, and had enrolled followers who continued Gentiles in every respect, and who differed ...
, h ⇒Definition oflame 2.The seventh in descent trom Seth, being the son of Methuselah, and father of several sons, of whom apparently the oldest was Noah (Ge 5:25-31;1Ch 1:3;Lu 3:36). B.C. 3297- 2520. He was 182 years old at the birth of Noah, and survived that event ...
Sixth, going back to the matter of definition, when an alien sinner actually repents of stealing prior to his scriptural baptism, since it is not the definition of stealing that changes (and it is not), then it has to be that his relationship to the act changes. He no longer steals!
In the case of Joseph, Reuben suggested the pit as a device for saving his brother; the others hostile to Joseph adopted it as the most secret, and, they might think, the least guilty method of making away with him (Ge 37:22-29). ⇒Definition of pit As remarked above, in this ...