Define Biblical inerrancy. Biblical inerrancy synonyms, Biblical inerrancy pronunciation, Biblical inerrancy translation, English dictionary definition of Biblical inerrancy. n. Freedom from error or untruths; infallibility: belief in the inerrancy of th
A concise definition of fornication is "sexual intercourse between people not married to each other," including pre-marital and adulterous relations. Cambridge Dictionary defines fornication as "the action of having sex with someone who you are not married to." Bible Meaning of Fornication From the...
1:12), can only be regarded as an adaptation or an after-thought (see Jeremiah Taylor, Disc. of Confirm. § 3). ⇒Definition of christian"The adoption of the name marks a very important epoch in the history of the Church; the period when it had emerged, even in the Gentile ...
⇒Definition of veil3. Tsá'yiph (צָעַיŠ, from צָעִŠ, thought by Gesenius to be = עָטִפ, to cover up), invariably rendered "vail," is mentioned in Ge 24:65; Ge 38:14,19, under circumstances which show that it was one of those ample ...
In Greek for the Rest of Us, I give the definition of ἐν as “in, by, with.” The preposition is flexible in meaning, and often translation requires significant interpretation. I have often thought it strange that prepositions were introduced into the Greek language to bring clarity to ...
Before referencing his article, let me give a definition of “restoration.” This is the word used in your New Testament in Acts 3:21. The Greek word is apokathistami, and it means “to restore to its former state;…to be in its former state….” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of...
Does the Bible endorse a more traditional definition of a nation? Or does the Bible promote the idea of a propositional nation, the proposition being Christian faith? It is my goal to demonstrate that the Bible in fact promotes the traditional concept a nation as an aggregation of people who...
If you’ve been in and around church for a while, you’ve likely heard a sermon or two about being a good steward of your finances. Stewardship is one of those words often used in the church, assuming a common understanding of its definition. ...
Definition of Anarcho-Theocracy Prima facie Case for Anarcho-Theocracy Response to Objections Bibliography "For the Americans," Tocqueville found, "the ideas of Christianity and liberty are so completely mingled that it is almost impossible to get them to conceive of one without the other; it is ...
is to be understood in the proper sense (Sess. XIII, cap. i); the Vatican Council gives a direct definition of the texts, Matt., xvi, 16 sqq. and John, xxi, 15 sqq. Many more Scripture texts are indirectly defined by the definition of certain doctrines and the condemnation of ...