⇒Definition of adultery3. Spiritual. — Adultery, in the symbolical language of the Old Testament, means idolatry and apostasy from the worship of the true God (Jer 3:8-9; Eze 16:32; Eze 23:37; also Re 2:22). Hence an adulteress meant an apostate Church or city, particularly "...
⇒Definition of atonementmeaning may be gathered from the passages in the O.T. in which it occurs. It is, in fact, the constant rendering of a word translated in the English version "to make reconciliation" or "to atone for" (Le 6:30; Le 8:15; Eze 45:20; Da 9:24, etc.). ...
The answer is found in the definition of 'love', and that the fact that Biblical love is NOT a warm, gooey feeling inside, meaning that our feelings can align with true love, but it is not the foundation of it. Based on the above definitions of love, it is obvious that the Lord Go...
Wurzb.1865, which includes the definition of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary [1854], and the Papal Syllabus [1864]); Schaff, Creeds of Christendom (N.Y. 1877; vol. 2 includes all the Latin creeds from the Confession of Peter to the Vatican decrees). Bellarmin's ...
⇒Definition of fish 5. The תִּנִּין -tannin (plur. תִּנִּינִים or תִּנִּינִם) must be carefully distinguished from תִּנִּים tannin', the plural of thee-unused word תִּן, a ...
⇒Definition of captivityThe nation thus transported by the monarchs of Assyria and Babylon were treated with no unnecessary harshness, even under the dynasty that captured them. So far were they from the condition of bondsmen (which the word "captive" suggests), that the book of Susanna ...
⇒Definition of giantFrom this remnant of the Anakim thus left in Gaeth of the Philistines proceeded the famous Goliath (גֹּלִיִה, 1Sa 17:4. This giant is said to have been in height six cubits and a span. He challenged the army of Israel, and put the soldiers...
⇒Definition of week(3.) So far from the week being a division of time without ground in nature, there was much to recommend its adoption. Where the days were named from planetary deities, as among first the Assyrians and Chaldees, and then the Egyptians, there of course each period ...
In childhood most of the parental commands are necessarily of this nature, owing to the incapacity of the child to understand the grounds of their inculcation. ⇒Definition of law II. Certain Special Uses of the Term. — 1. "Law of Honor" is a system of rules constructed by people...
⇒Definition of painting"It is probable that the artists in Egypt who painted on wood were in higher estimation than mere decorators, as was the case in Greece, where 'no artists, were in, repute but those who executed pictures on wood, for neither Ludius nor any other wall painter was...