⇒Definition of eunuchIn De 23:1 (פּצוּעִאּדִּכָּה, one mutilated by crushing, i.e., the testicles, Sept. technically θλαδίας), and also probably in Le 21:20 (מרוֹחִ אָשֶׁך, one crushed as to ...
are scripture, tradition, and reason. Reason must include what each one of us concludes about the natural world that is around us, conclusions reached from experience and observation or by experiment; in other words
This much ought to be clear to all of us. Legal definition and actual condition are not always the same! Why not let the high court go on and redefine “sisters” and “brothers”? If a real marriage can exist between two men or between two women, why can’t the high court redefine...
⇒Definition of chariotThe earliest Egyptian chariot noticed in Scripture (Ge 41:43) was doubtless a state-chariot; but, among the Egyptians, it does not appear to have been different from the war-chariot, the splendid military appointments of which rendered it fit for purposes of royal pomp...
Before referencing his article, let me give a definition of “restoration.” This is the word used in your New Testament in Acts 3:21. The Greek word is apokathistami, and it means “to restore to its former state;…to be in its former state….” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of...
⇒Definition of nine Calcined sculptured alabaster, charcoal and charred wood buried in masses of brick and earth, slabs and statues split with heat, were objects continually encountered by Mr. Layard and his fellow-laborers at Khorsabad, Nimrud, and Kuyunjik. From a comparison of these dat...
The first (Ecclesiastes Rabbah 10:7) describes a pagan eunuch of the emperor of Rome who attempted to embarrass Rabbi Akiba. When the eunuch was shamed in return, he killed himself. The second (Genesis Rabbah 65:22) describes the suicide of Jakum of Tzeroth who, after taunting Rabbi ...