In general, he offers intriguing examples of play for the respective areas, but much of his discussion is rooted in his definition of what constitutes play and how to identify play (as he discusses in chapters 1 and 2). Thus, I would have liked a more thoughtful, philosophically rooted dis...
This essay traces the varying implications of the word-concept conversion from the early Reformation to its use in John Donne's poems and sermons, in a sermon by Lancelot Andrewes, and in John Milton's Paradise Lost. Conversion is by definition a turning, usually a turning to...
⇒Definition of miracle This thorough realism of the 19th century, intensified by the vast facilities of combined action and, mutual intercourse, which make us live constantly in one another's company, would banish all care and thought of the future from our minds, if it were not that the...
The claim that natives had no money can be considered true if you use a reasonably strict definition of money. The claim that they had no written law is, strictly speaking, false. Aztecs, for one, did have written law. However, the alleged speaker in this post is likely referring to the...
It is also argued that a definition of Christian marriage as being an institution originated by God, consisting of a monogamous and lifelong relationship between a man and a woman, cannot be based on the Bible. The reason for this is that the institution of marriage in anci...
War is the most extreme field of intersection between the Bible and public events. The prominent place taken by Scripture in debates about American society and its self-definition, about relationships between equality and property, slavery and freedom, government and liberty, made the Bible itself ...
For many, the concept of spiritual leadership provides an answer to this call, and the idea of spiritual leadership is now gaining traction in both academic and popular circles. Despite this growing acceptance, there remains a great deal of divergence concerning the definition and meaning of ...
creation of valuegross value addedGVAgrowthminimum value to returnMVRknowledgeThis paper proposes a definition and an algorithm to compute the value created in an economic process. The created value is the amount of value, from the gross value added, that exceeds a minimum value to return and ...
Thus, this essay seeks to explore the roots of the confusion through a clearer definition of the essence of Biblical professional criticism on the one hand, and a theological reading of the Bible as a whole, on the other.GitayYehoshua
It is counterproductive to marginalize the paramount nature of didactic content given the necessity of promoting good character among this nation's youth. The researcher suggests that the American Library Association carefully examine their definition of the term "child" as it relates to moral growth....