There is no other way, no other road, no other person leading to glory, peace, joy, love, unity, humility, purity of heart, clarity of conscience, and hope. Any promise of good and eternal change apart from or in addition to Christ is a false gospel....
A concise definition of fornication is "sexual intercourse between people not married to each other," including pre-marital and adulterous relations. Cambridge Dictionary defines fornication as "the action of having sex with someone who you are not married to." Bible Meaning of Fornication From the...
Definition of Anarcho-Theocracy Prima facie Case for Anarcho-Theocracy Response to Objections Bibliography "For the Americans," Tocqueville found, "the ideas of Christianity and liberty are so completely mingled that it is almost impossible to get them to conceive of one without the other; it is ...
⇒Definition of christa. The royal prophet David seems to have been the first who spoke of the Great Deliverer under this appellation. He represents the heathen (the Gentile nations) raging, and the people (the Jewish people) imagining a vain thing "against Jehovah, and against his Anointed...
What does it mean to repent. A comprehensive repentance Bible study and Christian teaching on the definition and meaning of repentance is just one of many biblical teachings and Bible studies which can be found at Christ-Centered Mall.
Toward the end of his reign he even issued edicts against paganism. He was baptized himself shortly before his death. SEE CONSTANTINE. ⇒Definition of christianChristianity during the first period of its history was not only exposed to the persecution of the emperors, but also to the literary...
“aim of life” which is at great conflict with God’s foremost command to “love God and keep His commandments” and to “love your neighbor as yourself”.“There is no other commandment greater than these.”Piper has in every sense and every definition created a new “precept of men”...
Testament times if they believed and looked forward to the coming of the Messiah, which would imply obedience to God’s laws from a clear conscience. For those under the pre-Christ dispensation who did not have the privilege as the
Now, in order to be as generous as possible, I am going to give you the definition of “conversion therapy” provided by GLAAD, the organization founded in 1985 as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Their definition is, “Conversion therapy is any attempt to change a person’s...
(tob, H2896)to describe Himself at least 27 times in the old testament. And at least 45 times in the old testament God contrasts good (tob) with evil (ra, H7451). The Hebrew word ra means evil, harm or destruction. The definition of good is the absence of evil, harm, & ...