What is the Biblical definition of a dispensation? 扬声器 Jimmy Fortunato 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2024年8月18日 主日学校 Dispensations 使徒保羅與可林多輩書 9:16-17; 使徒保羅與以弗所輩書 3:1-7 822241318177448 10 下载 分享 🗡️ This expository sermon was delivered...
摘要: D. L. Moody was preaching in Birmingham, England. At the close of a revival, a young Briton introduced himself and said, "Mr. Moody, I have to go to America some day; and when I do, I shall come to your church in Chicago and preach for you.'...
⇒Definition of immortality1. Hindus. — In the sacred books of the Hindus called the Veda, "immortality of the soul, as well as personal immortality and personal responsibility after death, is clearly proclaimed" (Miller, Chips, 1, 45). (We have here a refutation of the opinion that ...
Paul was an apostle (Rom. 1:1), and Barnabas was an “apostle” by the extended definition of that term (Acts 14:14), and he was one of the prophets or teachers at the church in Antioch (Acts 13:1). At any rate, the first elders were appointed by apostolic authority! Our Baptist...
⇒Definition of log(1.) John uses the term Logos without explanation, assuming that his readers know it to bear this sense. Accordingly, we find this conception of it not new with him, but a chief element in the development of the Old- Testament theology. In the Mosaic account, God's...
For the intellect by its action forms a definition of the thing, or even an affirmative or negative proposition. This intellectual concept in us is called properly a word, because it is this that is signified by the word of mouth. For the external utterance does not signify the intellect ...
El 'Elyon denotes exaltation and prerogative and belongs to "monarchical theology" for it speaks of absolute right to lordship. In the same vein may be found the question, "Who is like you?" (Psalm 35:10). [Bakers Evangelical Dictionary] 5. El Roi - "God Who Sees” El Roi means “...
1Jo 5:9– If we receive the witness of men, the witness of Godisgreater; for thisisthe witness of God which[fn]Hehas testified of His Son. Machinations definition link: https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/machinations May the New Year bring blessings for you and your loved ones!
But in speaking of “cause,” and “of the cause,” we do not by these words denote nature (for no one would give the same definition of “cause” and of “nature”), but we indicate the difference in manner of existence. For when we say that one is “caused,” and that the oth...
Perhaps it means eternal torment? You certainly have to import an alien meaning to the definition of the word "destroy" (Gk: apollumi) if it means eternal torture. It is never directly translated this way in any New Testament writings. Never....