⇒Definition of bishopnever ἄρχειν, to rule, which has far too despotic a sound. In the Epistle to the Hebrews (Heb 13:7,17,24) they are named ἡγούμενοι, leading men (comp. Ac 15:22), and figuratively ποιμένες, shepherds (Eph 4:11). These ...
is to be understood in the proper sense (Sess. XIII, cap. i); the Vatican Council gives a direct definition of the texts, Matt., xvi, 16 sqq. and John, xxi, 15 sqq. Many more Scripture texts are indirectly defined by the definition of certain doctrines and the condemnation of ...
⇒Definition of ministryThe call, as above defined, to preach the Gospel to the best of our ability and opportunity, is one that every Christian should recognise and obey. It is, however, a duty entirely distinct from, although in some cases closely related to, the general question of ...
While a precise definition is difficult to provide given the fact that there is wide range of opinions as to the extent of inerrancy, a cursory understanding can be achieved by looking at The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978), a document which has dramatically impacted the curren...
(also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not even dare write an obituary for this...
Are they not in transgression, when they dare to confront that good definition against Arianism, acknowledged, as it is, by those who had in the first instance taught them irreligion? ” Athanasius, Defence of the Nicene Definition, 2 (A.D. 351). “This gave occasion for an Ecumenical ...
⇒Definition of appeal2. Roman. — The most remarkable case of appeal in the New Testament is that of the Apostle Paul from the tribunal of the Roman procurator Festus to that of the emperor, in consequence of which he was sent as a prisoner to Rome (Ac 25:10-11). Such an appeal...
To one or other of the four leading orders a monastery was usually referred: ⇒Definition of monster(1) the Order of Basil, including all the Greek monks and Carmelites; (2) the Order of Augustine, in its three classes — canons regular, monks, and hermits, together with the ...
⇒Definition of minister(3) to the priests and Levites, who are thus described by the prophets and later historians (Jer 33:21; Eze 44:11; Joe 1:9,13; Ezr 8:17; Ne 10:36), though the verb, whence meshareth is derived, is not uncommonly used in reference to their services in ...