The world and sadly many churches today tell women to leave their cheating husbands. But is this what the Bible… Read More March 18, 2022 The Bible Never Calls Women “Daughters of the King” This “daughter of the king” theology (really heresy) has been taught for many years by both ...
Are you passionate aboutBiblical Womanhoodand everythingbeautifulandfemininewrapped up in that age-old concept? DoTimelessIdealssuch as the following resonate deep within your heart? Submittingto our own husbands as part of our feminine role (Col. 3:18 ...
Does 1 Corinthians 5 tell Christians They Shouldn’t Tolerate Any Abuse From Anyone? Some Christians claim that “The Bible tells believers to avoid abusers and to expel the wicked from among us”. But… Read More October 27, 2023 Are All Divorces Really The Fault of Men? Will Knowland, ...
“do you believe every citizen of America has equal rights and is deserving of equal respect?” The answer is absolutely, because that concept is enshrined in the constitution. And that constitution is God-sent
Cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesusheartmysticismprivate devotionliturgyThe essay examines the biblical and theological basis of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and its implications for spirituality. The first part addresses the heart as biblical anthropological and ...
Theologically, the concept of missions started from Genesis and continues into Revelation. The Genesis story reveals that God is the Father of all the Adamic Race and that He desires to save all regardless of their skin color and ethnicity (Gen 2:7; 3:15). He ...
Like all of the Bible, while the words are ancient, the application is very relevant in contemporary society. The shepherds’ tools were a staff to guide the sheep and a rod to redirect them. The concept of spanking comes from the rod. But the other side of discipline—the staff—brings...
A consistent pacifist (opponent of violence) is an anarchist (opponent of systematic, institutionalized violence). The Bible says that rebellious human beings created "government" as a way of being their own gods.The Bible is an anarchist manifesto. The concept of "civil government"is a false ...
But let me drive home the point further by looking at this concept in the Old Testament. Isaac’s use of …“Abba”? The three New Testament usages I’ve described all connect to the patriarch Isaac and his relationship of obedience to Abraham: ...
Again I ask you to read through all of the articles here to see how unbiblical the concept of the immortality of the unsaved soul is. Immortality is reserved only for those who put their faith in Jesus (Yeshua). All the rest are destroyed (not preserved), (Matthew 10:28) after a ...