The church, which is believed to have been built over the house of disciples Peter and Andrew, also indicates the location of the city of Bethsaida, where... read more ‘The Beating Heart of Jerusalem’: Newly Discovered Pilgrimage Road Gives Glimpse into Life During Jesus’ Time by Unreal...
They had also 961 enrolled as Church members. 5. The American Board. — One of the first missionaries of the American Board to the East was the Rev. Samuel Newell. This missionary spent some time at Ceylon. In a letter dated at Colombo, Dec. 20,1813, Mr. Newell urged an American ...
An abbey always included a church, and the English word Minster, although it has now lost its specific application, has its origin in the Saxon and German Minster (Lat. monasterium). A Priory supposed a less extensive and less numerous community. It was governed by a prior, and was ...
To present an annual Biblical Botanical Garden Fest, with lecturers, programs, displays, vendors, entertainment, auctions, and in short a wonderful two-day, family-friendly, and community-building experience. To demonstrate how scripture can be illuminated by an apprecation of its contextual backgro...
Asceticism may be defined as the voluntary abstention for philosophical or religious reasons from physical goods that are central to the well-being of humankind. The goods are primarily those closely associated with the satisfaction of bodily needs and the survival of the community: food, drink, se...
“Church” does not mean a building of believers. That is not a mystery. Non-Catholics often view church as mere community, but not the supernatural mystery of Christ physically present among us. 1 Thess. 5:21 – Paul commands us to test everything. But we must have something against ...
Thus, “a prophetic community of practice was closely associated with social structures in the northern kingdom” (119). Third, he shows key evidence for such a social institution through Elisha: possible links between Elisha and sons of prophets, an inscription with Elisha’s name, the link ...
If I had to sum this up in one brief manner, I would have to say that I hope this book helps combat the growing and systemic problem of biblical illiteracy sweeping across our nation. In a period of time when we, the scholarly community, actually know a good amount about this collection...
when a monastery happened to be at so great a distance from its proper church that the monks could not ordinarily resort thither for divine service, which was the case with the monasteries in Egypt and other parts of the East; in this case, some one or more of the monks were ordained ...
Weber and Lassen agree in this respect in their interpretation of a passage of the Mahabharata, that at an early period in the history of the Church three Brahmans visited some community of Christians either in Alexandria, Asia Minor, or Parthia, and that on their return they " were enabled...