50 Years of Publicly Encouraging the Biblical Counseling Movement to Speak the Truth in Love The Mailbag: May Christian Women Wear Pants? A La Carte (February 18) Bringing God Glory -Part 3 Biblical Counseling in the Persecuted Church Categories Archives Tags 1-Minute Mondays (214) A La...
A more biblical churchBibleliturgyWord of GodCzajkowski,MichałBond
Most Christians are woefully ignorant of 1 Corinthians chapter 11 and its commands regarding the two coverings that God requires… Read More August 29, 2022 5 Ways to Show Your Husband Reverence The Bible commands in Ephesians 5:33 that “the wife see that she reverence her husband”. But ho...
anyone to be deceived regarding their relationship with God. He wants us to evaluate our walk so that we can know if we are walking in the light or if we are walking in the darkness. The third chapter of this letter has been set off by calling for everyone to see the love of the ...
The central theme of the kingdom of God helps believers navigate the reading of biblical texts and the rhythm of their lives. For Dempster, the “return of the kingdom” is a way of “comprehending the entire biblical message” (2). In this “one succinct phrase,” we can behold the ...
The Need to Expose Wives’ Sexual Defrauding Before the Church Many Christians believe the only way a woman can be unfaithful to her husband is by having sex with men… Read More March 1, 2018 Why God Wants You to STAY in an Abusive Relationship Stay in an abusive marriage? Stay with ...
1.(withthe) the sacred writings of the Christian Church, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.Biblia 2.the Jewish Scriptures (the Old Testament).Biblia biblical(ˈbiblikəl)adjective (often with capital) of or like the Bible.biblical references.bíblico ...
This general love is seen in His providence, His common grace and the free offer of the gospel. God's particular love is evidenced in His relationship with the nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the Church in the New Testament. Other examples of this particular love are God's ...
The philosophy of Martin Buber and His Biblical Hermeneutics: Between Germanness and Jewishness 特集 マルティン・ブーバーの思想とその聖書解釈の可能性: ドイツとユダヤの間で It turns out that all of the articles of this journal appear in both English and Japanese. Thank you, JISMOR edito...