Another name with Hebrew origins, this one relates to bee in a pretty unusual way. Regarding her biblical connections, Deborah has a whopping two. Deborah is a prophetess of great repute and courage in the Book of Judges, a leader who fights the Canaanites with her own army after assembli...
The second mention is in the book of Genesis, where Deborah has a less significant role, being the nurse of Rebecca. In the very middle of the 20th century, it was quite the popular name, taking 2nd spot on all of the biblical girl name charts, but has fallen from grace ever since, ...
It was also conformable to the example of Rebecca (Genesis 24). From this marriage-rite arose the custom of taking the veil in the Church of Rome. By this act the nun devotes herself to perpetual virginity as the spouse of Christ, the bridegroom of the Church. It appears to have been ...
Hence when Deborah, Rebecca's nurse, was buried at Bethel under an oak, the tree was then at least called Allon-bachuth, the oak of weeping (Ge 35:8). The children of Israel were heard to weep by Moses throughout their families, every man in the door of his tent (Nu 11:10; ...
Rebecca – Name meaning “join,” coming from the Hebrew name “Rivkah” derived from “ribbqah” (noose or tie). In the Bible, Rebecca was the wife of Isaac. She’s the mother of Esau and Jacob. The name is commonly spelled as “Rebekah” in the Bible. ...
Here, we compare the Greek suicide story of Phaedra with the biblical suicide-prevention story of Rebecca regarding addressing the suicidal implications of feeling one’s child is going on to live his/her own life. The Phaedra Syndrome. In Euripides’ Hippolytus, the goddess Aphrodite plots to...
I am particularly grateful for the contributions of Rebecca Stephens Falcasantos, Ryan Harper, Sonia Hazard, Daniel Picus, Andrew Tobolowsky, and the anonymous reviewers of the manuscript. I owe special thanks to my students, especially Abigail Carson and Abigail Recko, and to Erin Rhodes and ...
From the Bible's first sentence the superlative nature of God's power is evident as God (Elohim)speaks a world into existence (Genesis 1:3 Genesis 1:6 Genesis 1:9). His actions also bespeak his power, enabling barren women such as Sarah and Rebecca to conceive (Genesis 18:10 Genesis ...
But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. Do you see it in there? The reviler.Thatis...
“It is certain that the word which the Hebrews are not now permitted to pronounce was in common use by Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Laban, Rebecca, and even among tribes foreign to the Hebrews, before the time of Moses; and that it recurs a hundred times in the lyrical effusions of ...