The book of Numbers is the fourth part of the Torah (or, in Greek, the Pentateuch). In the Mishnah and in the Talmud it is named Homesh ha-Pequdîm (i.e., the Fifth of the Mustered) because of the censuses recorded at the beginning of the book and in chapter 26. The Septua...
Numbers, Book Of, the fourth book of Moses, so called in the Septuagint (Α᾿ριθμαοί), in the Vulgate (Numeri), and modern versions, from the double enumeration of the Israelites in ch. i-iv and in ch. 26. In the Hebrew it is called Be- midbar', בּמַד...
Finally, themes of the promised land, generational succession, and obedience-disobedience, operate in this larger story. Purity is also a significant theme in the book, albeit not connected to plot in the larger story. All in all, sequence, plot, and theme in the larger story of Numbers ...
Their occupation of the land promised them by God, the Promised Land, is interrupted by a four-hundred-year captivity in Egypt (described in the book of Exodus). But under Moses they finally break free and begin their journey to the place they will forever call home (see Passover). If ...
This biblical name for girls means “tender” or “tenderness” and was common in Colonial America but has since faded from favor. In the book of numbers, Mahala was the daughter of Zelophehad, and its nickname (Hala) is an attractive method to condense the three-syllable name. ...
Share on Facebook (redirected fromBiblical Literature) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Biblical Literature:SBL Bi·ble (bī′bəl) n. 1. a.The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. ...
The detailed order of the leaders of the tribes and their encampment and marching in the first two chapters of the Book of Numbers are thoroughly ceremonial, and imply a centralized power in overall control, none of which reflects tribal realities. Even the book of Judges does not discuss ...
the snake are clearly visible on the right side of the flower. The ouroboros is ancient Egyptian in origin and is contained in “The Book of the Netherworld”. The ouroboros is a symbol the cyclical nature of creation. Here, the ouroboros represents YHWH as the guardian of the tree of ...
In the introduction, Schniedewind identifies the book’s goal: to use scribal communities—not authors or schools—as an explanatory model for the Hebrew Bible’s formation. Within this introduction, he lays out some key theoretical assumptions: 1) the notion of individual authorship is anachronis...
A book of Alec Vidler’s happened to be lying on the table and I expressed my reaction to the sort of theology it contained. My reaction was a hasty and ignorant one, produced with the freedom the comes after dinner. One thing led to another and before we were done I was saying a ...