Christian living Fruit of the Spirit—Love—Bible study—Legalism—Prayer—Suffering—Worship—Money—Abortion—Child bearing—Child training—Marriage—Divorce and remarriage-Contraceptives—Alcohol—Manhood and womanhood—Dating—Sex—Homosexuality—Christian hedonism Creation Creation out of nothing—Genesis crea...
the modern tendencies toward a deification of government and state, it is good to remind ourselves that the old Romans were more realistic in symbolizing the state by a bundle of rods with an ax in the middle than are our contemporaries in ascribing to the state all the attributes of God....
Attributes of Childhood Family of God Spiritualization Back to top Although not exclusively focused on the biblical text, this volume gives a broad reaching survey of children and childhood, including the metaphorical uses thereof, across Christianity.Gaventa 2001(cited underAttributes of ChildhoodandPau...
Consider the Muslims, who also declare that the God of the Bible created. And they say their Allah has no Son. That means their biblical creator god, isn’t actually God. Orthodox Jews worship a biblical, creator god, but deny Jesus is God. Mormons worship a biblical god who created and...
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” Thus, all people have knowledge of God. This fact should have a profound impact on the...
The word will thus signify the Existent, and designate one of the most important attributes of Deity, one that appears to include all other essential ideas. IV. Application of the Title.— The supreme Deity and national God of the Hebrews is called in the O.T. by his own name Jehovah,...
The Absolute is conceived of, not as a living Being to whom a proper personality and certain intelligible attributes may be ascribed, but as a vague, indeterminate somewhat, which has no distinctive character, and of which, in the first instance, or prior to its development, almost nothing ...
“The book explores transferals of the theophanic attributes of the divine glory from God to Jesus in the synoptic gospels through the spectacles of the so-called “two powers in heaven traditions.” The application of the two powers terminology to early Christian texts is regarded by some as...
Judaism. For Jesus, Hengel argues that divine sonship initially denoted exaltation, and other attributes (e.g., preexistence) accrued subsequently, by comparison to other intermediary beings in the Jewish tradition. English-language version:The Son of God, translated by John Bowden (London: SCM,...
(3) The attributes of a deity can constitute a temptation. Asherah on a lion or Baal holding a thunderbolt creates the temptation for power. The gods were created in the image of men. Like human beings, they could get married, divorced, drunk, have families, or do anything else that ...