Christian living Fruit of the Spirit—Love—Bible study—Legalism—Prayer—Suffering—Worship—Money—Abortion—Child bearing—Child training—Marriage—Divorce and remarriage-Contraceptives—Alcohol—Manhood and womanhood—Dating—Sex—Homosexuality—Christian hedonism Creation Creation out of nothing—Genesis crea...
Is it to be expected, on the ground of reason, that an alliance can be formed between individuals whose moral attributes and desires are essentially incompatible without creating the elements of uneasiness, discord, and disappointment? Excited imagination and passion may delude with the belief of ...
the modern tendencies toward a deification of government and state, it is good to remind ourselves that the old Romans were more realistic in symbolizing the state by a bundle of rods with an ax in the middle than are our contemporaries in ascribing to the state all the attributes of God....
Moses lived at a time when the Israelites were in bondage and still he remained unruffled, diligent and resolute. This he achieved by exhibiting the following attributes namely Education, knowledge, humility, faith, rebellion against abuse of the weak and multiplicity of ministry. The paper ...
In this nervous system, which acts as a channel for the transmission of messages from the mind, are two sets of nerves — the in-carrying, the out-carrying. The intellectual functions are commonly expressed by memory, reason, imagination. The primary attributes of intellect are difference, ...
Justice,mishpatin this verse, is simply to do God’s law and commands. Doing justice means to walk in obedience and relationship with God, to love our neighbor and treat each rightly, to not ignore the way justice is tied to other attributes–like mercy, forgiveness, love, and ...
(3) The attributes of a deity can constitute a temptation. Asherah on a lion or Baal holding a thunderbolt creates the temptation for power. The gods were created in the image of men. Like human beings, they could get married, divorced, drunk, have families, or do anything else that ...
“The book explores transferals of the theophanic attributes of the divine glory from God to Jesus in the synoptic gospels through the spectacles of the so-called “two powers in heaven traditions.” The application of the two powers terminology to early Christian texts is regarded by some as...
You may have found this blog because you have a “narcissist” in your life, or in the life of someone you care about. At first, you may not have known that you were dealing with a narcissist, but the pain and damage this selfish, arrogant, condescending, domineering person caused might...
The consideration of it became prominent only after the natural attributes of God — omnipotence, etc. — had long been acknowledged. The chief passages are Job 28:12 sq.; Pr 8; Pr 9. Even the latter is a poetic personification: but this is based on the thought that Wisdom is not ...