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This set provides technical discussions of archaeological sites in Israel and ample bibliographical references. It has recently been updated with a supplementary volume (Vol. 5, Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Review, 2008). Tsafrir, Yoram, Leah Di Segni, and Judith Green.Tabula Imperii Romani...
– Spokesman-Review “Will make you think.”– Green Bay Press-Gazette ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gary Greenberg, former President of the Biblical Archaeology Society of New York, is the author of several books on biblical and Near Eastern history, including the biblical classics 101 Myths of the Bible ... * SUBSCRIBERS’ AUTOMATIC-RENEWAL FEATURE: For your convenience, your subscription will automatically renew without interruption for as long as you wish, unless you instruct us otherwise. ...
Biblical Archaeology Review is the only magazine that connects the academic study of archaeology to a broad general audience eager to understand the world of th… Terms of Use: * SUBSCRIBERS’ AUTOMATIC-RENEWAL FEATURE: For your convenience, your subscription will automatically renew wit...