YEA, YES 1. nai (ναί, 3483), a particle of affirmation, is used (a) in answer to a question, Matt. 9:28; ... ON THE PARTICLE ΚΑΙ (καί, 2532) (a) The particle kai,“and,” chiefly used for connecting words, clauses and sentences (th...
所以, 在基督里若有甚麽劝勉,爱心有甚麽安慰,圣灵有甚麽交通,心中有甚麽慈悲怜悯,你们就要意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念,使我的喜乐可以
Bible Verses about Strength: Top Scriptures for Encouragement There are many Bible verses about strength for when you feel tired, weak, and overwhelmed by the storms of life. In the Psalms, we read the beautiful promise that: "The Lord is my rock,... Love Bible Verses Quotes about Love...
1 Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning. 2 Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. 3 O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. 4 For you are not a God who ...
Besides having the encouragement of the Scriptures, we also need encouragement from others around us. God’s intentions for us are to live in community with one another. We can do that in a variety of ways.We must be part of a fellow community of believers. Find a church based on God...
I am always on the lookout, in my reading of the Bible as well as in my prayerful, contemplative meditations of the things of Christ, for the specific thinking that will position me to connect with the working of God in my life. In other words, I’m always looking for the effort req...
Not the “foolish” which is another supernatural desecration of the Holy place of God’s previous temple of His sacred words. Now skewed unto oblivion. Why don’t Christians remember so as to see? Because they never really loved Truth especially God’s Truth. Or they would see. The belt...
piling up on our mountain ash berries to the many tiny improvements in Jo’s recovery from her lumbar laminectomy. We give thanks for this continuing recovery process. Many of you readers wrote to tell me this concept of giving God thanks for even tiny improvements was an encouragement to ...
The words speak to the present.It’s a symbol of our unity, reminding us whom we are to be living for in this life. It reminds us to keep our eyes focused on Him. It tells us that He is who he said He was and is and we can trust Him today with our lives. ...
Now, sit back and get ready to enjoy a labor of love.Why don't you check out some of these categories: Stories about Jesus -- how he treated people and what he taught Christian Maturity -- growth steps Encouragement for you--everyone needs an uplifting word Pointing people a step ...