放弃早晨的滚动,寻找《圣经》中的平静。我们的每日圣经灵修应用为忙碌的生活设计了鼓舞人心的每日圣经灵修,为您的精神提供滋养。我们的每日圣经灵修应用传递振奋的灵感、吸引人的小知识和轻松的幽默,加深您的信仰并照亮您的一天。 不仅仅是经文: 早晨和傍晚:根据一天的时间接收鼓舞人心的灵修,帮助您在旅程中与上帝建立...
You agree not to use the Company Services to: Post, upload or otherwise transmit or link to Content that is: unlawful; threatening; harmful; abusive; pornographic or includes nudity; offensive; harassing; excessively violent; tortuous; defamatory; invasive of another’s privacy, publicity, copyright...
My concern though…. Several times in just this past week, the Bible verse is not correctly shown where it’s actually found in the Bible. Also, there have been several “misplaced” words lately, more than I’ve ever noticed over all the years. Maybe it happens during translation? The ...
The coalition of two or more parties in order to achieve a particular aim... 5207 architecture 5207 architecture The design of buildings, for religious or secular use. Building designs were... 5218 authority, in the home 5218 authority, in the ...
"where two or three are gathered" Jesus is "there in the midst of them" Mt. 18:20 So too: "I [Jesus, will abide] in you" Jn. 15:4-5 "know that I am He" Jn. 8:28 or "if you do not believe that I am He you will die in your sins" Jn. 8:24 Do things "for My sa...
(Many More Will Be Killed During the Second Part) The Bible reveals that there are two groups in heaven that will be martyred. One group should be from the first part of the Tribulation–ref Rev 6:9–11. These are killed for the WORD OF GOD and THE TESTIMONY THEY HELD. These were ...
Try Britannica Premium for free and discover more. Subscribe Yet most scholars agree that Wycliffe was a virtuous man. Proud and mistaken as he sometimes was, he gives an overall impression of sincerity. Disappointed as he may have been over his failure to receive desirable church posts, his ...
3 days ago • 1 More Answer • Follow • Vote Up Answer by Jack Gutknecht , Arizona Bible College graduate and Dallas Seminary graduate Supporter Where/how do you draw the line between helping someone and allowing someone to take advantage of you? Balancing the act of helping others...
(Many More Will Be Killed During the Second Part) The Bible reveals that there are two groups in heaven that will be martyred. One group should be from the first part of the Tribulation–ref Rev 6:9–11. These are killed for the WORD OF GOD and THE TESTIMONY THEY HELD. These were ...
where he divideth one sense and meaning into twenty two sorts. And it may also be remarked, that there is nothing in it concerning the tabernacle worship, or the rites and ceremonies of the legal dispensation; so that it seems to be calculated for, and is suited to, the word of God,...