Be Advised: Bible In A Year Online will never ask for a credit card or any personal information from visitors.If you see this type of request it may be from an advertisement you may have clicked on. The Bible In A Yeardaily reading plan consist of passages from the Old Testament, New ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Authorized Version (redirected fromThe King James Bible) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Au·thor·ized Version (ô′thə-rīzd′) n.Abbr.AV SeeKing James Bible. ...
In what year was Jesus born in the Roman calendar? Who wrote the Book of John in the New Testament? What language was the Book of Nehemiah first written in? What chapter is Joseph in the Bible? What is Jesus' name in the Old Testament?
BIBLE KNOWLEDGE: ISRAEL was destroyed in 70 AD, but the Bible stated that one day it would be REBORN. Nearly 2000 years passed, but then, the miracle happened. Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. This single event was Day 1 of what the Bible calls the LATTER DAYS of the END TIMES....
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew (the Old Testament) and Greek (the New Testament), with parts in Aramaic. As the most important book of all time, the Bible has been translated into hundreds of other languages, including, in the case of The Expanded Bible, English. No ...
Few people knew what it meant to truly follow Jesus better than Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor who was murdered by the Nazis for standing up to Hitler. In this encouraging and challenging series of devotionals drawn from Bonhoeffer's writing, you'll learn how to live for Jesus no matt...
Because of this you will not be shocked that I love Bible trivia. So,humor me and let me share acouple offun Bible facts with you. The Bible has 66 books and 1,189 chapters. The Bible was written inthreedifferent languages over the course of 1,500 years.You probably knew those facts...
What is the religion of the Kiowa tribe? What is Biblical theology? Why did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the Bible? What year was Abraham born on the Hebrew calendar? What do we call the religion of the ancient Hebrews? What language is the Torah in?
BIBLE KNOWLEDGE: ISRAEL was destroyed in 70 AD, but the Bible stated that one day it would be REBORN. Nearly 2000 years passed, but then, the miracle happened. Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948. This single event was Day 1 of what the Bible calls the LATTER DAYS of the END TIMES....
* Experience a clean, intuitive UI design, showcasing a dark color scheme to help you focus on what matters * Unlimited access to… * 75+ Listening Plans, e.g., The Bible in a Year, The Parables of Jesus, etc., that guide you through books or topics one day at a time ...