It’s easy to say mean words… Or hurtful words… Or angry words… And to think we are justified in saying them. What does the Bible say about angry words? Read these Top 21 Bible Verses–Angry Words … Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such ...
We should be slow to become angry and filter all emotions through how God wants us to respond to others. Brows Scripture quotes on anger below and download your own personal copy of these helpful verses . Keep them with you throughout the day to remind yourself of God's strength and ...
Bible Verses About Forgiveness- Read Scriptures that offer biblical guidance on forgiveness and how important it is to forgive others as we have been forgiven by the blood of Christ. With the grace and mercy shown to us, we are always able to start new with God. When we repent, we are ...
When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room
Yet behold, we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters are forced into bondage already, and we are helpless because our fields and vineyards belong to others.” Then I was very angry when I had heard their outcry and these words. Job 24:2-12 ...
promise to be just as overwhelming and emotional.Thankfully,the Bibleoffers timeless wisdom that can help us navigate these highs and lows, reminding us that regardless of our elected leaders or political outcomes, we can have hope in a higher power. Reflect on the following Bible verses for ...
When thinking of bible verses about parenting responsibilities, this may not have immediately sprung to mind. However, it is a very good bible verse for parents! Consider this your reminder to enjoy the moment with your kids. Yes, you do need to think about their future, but don’t spend...
Most Relevant Verses Colossians 2:18 Verse Concepts Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, Colossians 2:23 Verse Concepts These ...
Bible verses This is not just an App, it's one of the most important tools I have on my I Pad. Some days when I'm feeling something is missing, or that I cannot take another moment of whatever it is that may be troubling me, I turn on my I Pad out of shire boredom and I'm...
The Bible has about 30,000 verses in it. Most church-goers are familiar with only a handful of those verses. Even those who try to read through the Bible every year, or every three years, find their eyes glazing over when reading most of the Bible. This is because the Bible is ...