“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.” John 6:47 This amazing FREE app contains a large collection of Inspirational Bible Verses that can help you understand who God is and what His plan is for your life. Get inspired during times of loss, sadness, doubt, ...
Nutrition-based and natural healthcare news, books, info, health condition research summaries. Immune system support, 1,500+ studies. 2,000+ Bible verses.
or help with a meaningful Bible study, this app provides the guidance you’re looking for. As a complete Bible verse app, it’s designed to give you instant access to scripture, personal prayers, and tools to deepen your faith. With this user-friendly Bible app, staying connected to God’...
Back to resources Pinned 10 entries for耶 利米哀歌 4-5, 羅馬書 11 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 This chapter is another single alphabet of Lamentations for the destruction of... Verses 1–12 Verses 1-12 The elegy in this chapter begins with a lamentation of the very sad an...
Psalm 75:7 Concerning these first two verses of the response from earth (vv. 7-8), possibly by a Levite, see 1 Sam 2:7; Dan 2:21. The oracles against the nations envisaged such and such a power, in the north (see Zep 2:13), in the south (see Isa 30:6), or in the wilder...
God’s Gift to the Believer Joy is the gift of God to those who trust in Christ. Be encouraged by these verses and commentary adapted from the ESV
This illustration is more specific to Christians and is introduced immediately after the communion verses to make clear the significance and nature of the communion relationship and he links the two situations by the word “observe.” In the tabernacle picture, as with the firstborn of the Passov...
In these verses, Paul launches into a densely packed defense of Christ’s preeminence or superiority. This carefully crafted rhetorical flourish follows his reminder that God had rescued the believers in Colossae from the kingdom of darkness and transferred them into the Kingdom of His dear Son,...
“My son, listen to your father when he corrects you. And don’t ignore what your mother teaches you.” Proverbs 1:8 This amazing FREE app contains a large collection of Inspirational Bible Verses that can help you understand who God is and what His plan is for your life. Get inspired...
large collection of Inspirational Bible Verses that can help you understand who God is and what His plan is for your life. Get inspired during times of loss, sadness, doubt, hopelessness, anger, and resentment. This great app will surely give you the strength you need to get through each ...