Two things concerning the above: First, in these specific verses, Paul is not talking about a believer who is in Christ, but rather a believer who is trying to do the will of God in his flesh; and second, each time that katergazomai is used, it is indicating a power or force within...
When Jesus used the word, it was subversive. He was talking about a rival government.There are over 30,000 verses in the Bible. Thousands of people throughout history have sacrificed greatly -- even to the point of death -- to preserve copies of these verses and hand them down to us....
This particular passage may be one of the first verses I have run across where the two manuscripts have a minor deviation in the original autographs, seemingly making a difference in the message. As you may know, the KJV and the NKJV are based on the Textus Receptus. All other translation...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
Plus, even if you generated a list of all the times God and David are referred to in the Bible, you’d have to sort through the results to see which verses actually involve God speaking about David. That would take DAYS to do by myself. But I did that in about 15 seconds with ...
We are familiar with both phrases in the bibles. But when all bibles magically changed from “Son of God” to “son of man” in many verses…we who remember were appalled by it. Little did we know that the Dark Lord also reveals great Truth in his Dark Lord bibles. ...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...
Having read these few verses and knowing now that we are to Believe in Jesus for our salvation, can we reason together and agree that not once have we read anything in these verses that indicate we are to “Ask Jesus into our hearts” to be saved. Where does this notion even come ...
Bible Verses Instructing Us Not To Cause Others To Sin, Stumble, Or Lust In Immodesty, Sex Outside of Marriage, and Masturbation And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone...
There are more verses of Scripture in the Bible regarding the Battle of Armageddon, than any other single event. (THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 1—IN THE AIR) (Satan Overcome) Satan and his angels will meet the Lord in the air, but will be overcome. He will be brought down to hell...